It isn't really close to the edge of the cliffs; maybe in a few thousand years time, but for now we'll settle for being a mile away, and not having to put up with traffic nightmare as the High Street in the village is, doubly so at school run time. I had to go to the quacks this morning, and passed what must have been two dozen cars parked at the side of the narrow road that runs past the school; most of them Landrovers, Rangerovers or bigger gas-guzzlers. Weather is never that bad to warrant those round here.
But, I chose to walk, and hoorah for me!
The verdict is I am overweight; like this was news to me. Anyway, it's a cold and misty day here and not good for photography. I keep looking at the BBCs forecast for here, and it's for unbroken sunshine; seems like no-one told the fog.

I called in the village shop, a local shop for local people; they recognise me, or my odd purchases: No OK or Hello magazines, just some fresh rolls and the such. And a packet of fish and chips flavour crisps: very diappointing I have to say. Walkers must try harder.

And back here for packing. It's hard as we don't know how long we will b in Kazakhstan for, maybe four weeks, maybe eight It amounts to the same clothes really; it just has to weigh in under 23Kg, which I don't think with toiletries and workboots will happen. Oh well, excess baggage to claim back for me then.

I am, as ever, easily distracted, and involved in a great group of people on Flickr, and check messages every couple of minutes, which does not get the packing done. I am not taking the laptop, but some papery things bound together called books. I feel I have not read enough recently and so have raided Jools' Folio book collection, and I delve into Jayne Eyre and HV Morton's In Search of England, which looks cracking.
I also have an iPod thing with some tracks on and good headphones, so all is fine their. Our accomodation is in freight containers, so I don't think there will be plug sockets, or lights, maybe a bed if we're lucky!
We have to go to a cocktail party thing tonight, which is fine; the bar has the finest German beer in the world, Warsteiner, in bottles, so I'll be happy. And then we will find a place to eat before returning home for one last night together , for now.
And that really is that to be honest. I am finding it hard to concentrate on much right now, as I am thinking of tomorrow and actually having to work for a living. It was the 28th of December when I did anything that could be called work, and the long hoped for discovery as a photographer probably isn't going to happen, and so I had better earn a crust one way or another.
I have a feeling that there will not be internet facilities on the ship, in which case it's gonna be quiet around here for a while. I'll keep a diary and try to write that up when I get back.
OK guys, see you on the other side.