Wednesday 16 October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

I am here for work, after all. So I had better just get up and get dressed and go down for breakfast.

Outside it was trying to rain, it would be very successful in this by the end of the day.

But first, breakfast.

Fruit. Yogurt. Sausages. Bacon. Coffee.

And one of my colleagues, Jimmy arrives, so I would make it to the office, as to be honest, I didn't know the way.

After eating we climb into his Hilux, then roar off down the road, while he drives and attends a meeting.

It am the modern way.

It takes half an hour to get to the office, then after introductions, we get down to work, though in a low-pressure kind of way.

No break for lunch, instead we sustain ourselves with dark chocolate digestives, which works for me.

We were done by four, my other colleague, Patrick, takes me back to the hotel, under more leaden skies, and once we arrive back home the heavens did open and by the time we left the bar, over an inch had fallen.

Two hundred and eighty nine We met in the bar at half six, order pints of the black stuff, and look at the menu.

We had starters, then we waited.

Turns out that the server had lost our order and denied taking it. But we reminded the poor lad of the conversation and his suggestion for having double peppercorn sauce with my steak.

Steak takes just ten minutes to reorder, cook and present the plates, so we tuck in.

No desert for me, but the others do. They persuade me to have an Irish coffee.

And another Guinness.

And then a whiskey.

And then another whiskey.

And so on.

I believe I was fine come bed time, as in not drunk or tipsy. Patrick was very merry.

So it goes.

Monday 14th October 2024

Monday morning. And I'm on the road.


Or to be more accurate, I'm on the train, then the plane, then on the road.

But where, Precious, is we going?

We shall see.

I slept poorly Sunday night, so much so that I lay awake for the last hour before the alarm went off at four.

Up then, get dressed, have coffee and, with a sigh, load up the car so Jools could drop me off so I could catch the first high speed train to London, as my flight was at 09:05, and I had be be there two hours before.

Needless to say it was still dark when we left, and quiet on the roads ito town, Jools dropped me off outside the station, I grabbed my case and went inside to buy my ticket, then take a seat on the platform to wait for the train.

I took my rucksack off and placed it beside the case.

The train arrived early, and I took my case onto the train, got a seat and relaxed. Checked mails. Relaxed more.

I then looked for by bag.

It wasn't beside me.

It wasn't in the rack above.

It wasn't beside the case.

It wasn't beside the seat I had left a few minutes earlier.

It had my passport and both laptops in it.

I grabbed the case and went into the ticket hall, I asked about my bag. Go to the station supervisor's office, she said.

I had two minutes before the train left, the only one that would get to me to the airport in time.

I found the door, knocked and went in. And there on a filing cabinet was the bag.

I grabbed it, explained my passport was in it, they smiled and said OK, so I walked back onto the train, taking the same seat I left.

I was hot and bothered, heart rate going ten to the dozen.

Bugger that.

And that was it. I snoozed all the way to to Stratford, the train filled up so there was only standing room.

Off at Stratford, and a quick walk to the DLR, I had just missed a train so had to wait nine whole minutes.

Waiting for a train Train arrived, I got on, then twenty minutes rattle along through Stratford, West Ham and Canning Town to the airport.

Off the train, down the steps, into the departure hall, check the bag on the scales, up to security, a two minute wait, bags scanned and through.

So quick that I was sat down in the restaurant at half seven, with 90 minutes before the flight, time for the most leisurely of breakfasts.

Granola, yogurt, coffee, toast, jam and tea. A two course feat with took a good forty minutes, so that the gate had been announced, so I could amble down to gate 5, and join the waiting throng.

Our flight to Dublin was called, and there was the usual rush of people with carry on bags to be first on board to get overhead space. We had been warned that the flight was full, and some would have to check their bags in.

Two hundred and eighty eight I was one of the last on board, found someone in my window seat, but I couldn't be bothered, and just sat by the aisle, I intended to doze o the short flight over anyways.

Once full, doors locked and we taxied about three plane lengths to the thresh-hold, waited for the all clear, onto the piano keys, engines roared and off we went, into the leaden and rain-filled skies, until we emerged several thousand feet higher into bright sunshine.

An hour later we landed in Dublin, and taxied pretty much all the way round terminal 2 to our gate, then waited to exit from the front.

Onto a bus, then round the final bit of terminal we had not been round, and into the building, up two sets of steps to immigration, where there were the e-gates for Irish, EU and UK citizens.

Through that, a short wait at baggage reclaim, my case arrives, so I take it and me to the car hire place where I was given a Toyota automatic hybrid thing.

Its OK.

But has no USB port to charge my phone in. In 2024, how is that even still a thing?

So, I programmed the destination into my phone, and it directed me out onto the roads outside, round two roundabouts and onto the motorway that would, in time, tame me south and west.

Traffic soon thinned, and I was treated to a fine drive in the autumnal sunshine through Kildare on my back to the Horse and Jockey.

I stopped, mainly to try to buy an 12v adaptor for the phone, I failed in that, but did buy a baguette and bottle of pop for lunch. I sat down to eat and people watch, where even here life was at a slightly slower pace, with people more likely to buy a plated meal than burger and fries in a box.

Which is nice.

I was running out of power on the phone, so had to press on to get to the hotel before the battery ran out, but in the end, Horse and Jockey appeared on the road signs, so I wasn't going to miss it.

I made it before the phone died, a little before two. I asked at reception if I could check in early due to lack of sleep, and thankfully they had a room.

I went up, put on a podcast and slept for two and a half hours, waking after half four, and feeling little better, though the snooze had done me good.

At half six, I went down to the bar for dinner, hoping to meet colleagues, but both were delayed. So I dined alone, feasting on fish and chips followed by a cheese board, downing three pints of Guinness on the way.. I was going to stop at two, but the bar maid said it was pouring so well, it'd be a shame not to have another.

Hard to argue with that logic, so a third was ordered and delivered.

Monday 14 October 2024

Sunday 13th October 2024


And a day for relaxing at home, before week, or 5 days, of travelling for work.

The main event of the day centered around the roast dinner I would serve at half one, when Jen would join us to eat, drink and be merry.

This preparation was not helped by the fact we didn't wake up until quarter to eight.

Which is nearly dinner time.

Time then barely to make coffee and feed the cats before it was time to put the wireless for Radcliffe and Maconie.

Too late then for Jools to go swimming at seven, it goes without saying.

So, once we had breakfast and second coffee before I started the preparations.

Meat un-bagged and seasoned, with a sprinkling of flour on the fat tied to the outside. Wait then until ten to eleven before putting in to roast.

Potatoes were peeled and soaked in water which was refreshed every half an hour so to flush the starch out. Then put to cook and boil until they had nearly turned to flour.

Then left to cool before roast in goose and duck fat.

Vegetables peeled, sliced and ready to steam from one.

Jools asked as I put in the beef to roast, she asked where the Yorkshire pudding was? No room in the oven, I said. You told Jen there would be them.

So, I had to make a batter for the pudding, and to confuse Jen I called it a batter pudding.

Which was its original name, I believe.

Soon, the kitchen and house was filled with the smells of roasting beef and soon roasting potatoes and steaming vegetables.

And the cool kitchen became something akin to the dungeons of hell.

Jen arrived, we had a wine, which did not help my planning, or the grand carving of the joint.

Having been under control for several hours, the last ten minutes is a rush as everything is cooked to perfection, so needed to be served.

We sat down to eat at twenty to two, along with lashings of gravy, it was much anticipated and so doubly delicious.

The wine, was one of the bottles bought that Monday morning in Montalcino. Much carried and driven under escort across northern Italy and through France.

Two hundred and eighty seven Afterwards, Jen and Jools cleared up, and I began the battle to stay awake. It was tough. The best part of a bottle of fine, strong wine downed and making itself very much at home.

Jen left at four, leaving an hour for coffee before the kick off of England v Finland on ITV.

It was better than Thursday's, but then almost everything would. England ran out 3-1, but that flattered England, and raises yet more questions.

That done, it was time for a shower and then pack for the week away.

We went to bed at nine, despite not being tired, the wind rustled the trees outside.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Saturday 12th October 2024

Some weekends we do lots of shit, other we don't. This was one of the latter ones, where apart from shopping and cooking, not much else was done.

Jools has done something to her heel, so is nursing that back to health, and I have a touch of sciatica, something I have not had for a while, but is limiting what I feel I want to do.

That and the fact I am away all next week meant it was a homey weekend, with lots of cooking.

We went to Tesco at half seven, not needing that much it seemed, and yet spending £97. Some stuff for the fresh batch of Boston beans I was going too cook later in the morning.

Back home we had fruit for breakfast. The last of the strawberries from the UK I think, and after washing up I get down for some bean action.

Pork belly, chorizo, onions were all browned and put into a pot, add two tins of tomatoes, four cans of haricot beans, some black treacle and finally some smoked paprika. Stir, bring to the boil then put into a moderate oven for three hours with the lid on, and a further hour with the lid off.

Boston beans Then make bacon and sausage butties along with huge brews. And it was after midday, and with it being international break, a mix of lower league footy and semi-competitive internationals for the rest of the day.

In the afternoon I made a patch of pizza dough, let that rest then using the little cutter make some shapes, dust with semolina flour and leave to rest. I had defrosted some ragu, so warmed that up, boiled a pan of water then cooked the pasta for four minutes, mix with the ragu and some pasta water in a warm frying pan.

Two hundred and eighty six Add some grated pecorino and fresh ground pepper.

And eat.

With a bottle of decent wine.


The evening dragged, with me watching Spain v Denmark, but it seems there is a thing called too much football and went to bed to read before half time.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Friday 11th October 2024

We try to look forward, and not back. And yet some days it's impossible.

Friday was the day of the monthly department meeting, and yet we have no manager currently, so those of us who have to pick up the pieces meet and discuss the way forward.

As we're Mexicans rather than Mexicants, there is a way, but it means a large amount of work.

Of course.

Up before dawn, have coffee and once Jools left for work, put the bins out.

Cold at first, but with clear skies it would soon warm up.

This is my last day before a week away, so much to catch up on and arrange, not least a trip to France at the beginning of next moth to squeeze in.

We have the department meeting at eleven. Without upcoming audits we might just be able to cope, but with plans in tatters, we have to pull in other people to help out, to coordinate.

After lunch, I had a 1:1 with my ex-manager's manager.

When we talk there is a back and forth as we listen to what each other says, and weighs possible replies. I have to check that a replacement is being sought as I am now ten months from retiring, and need to share some of the fourteen and a half years experience with whoever gets to fill my shoes.

And that can't be done in a few days.

By the time we're done, Jools is back, changed and we're ready to got o Jen's, where there would be no lunch.

Two hundred and eighty five Except the two vegetable and chorizo pizzas she'd made.

So as we play cards, we eat and drink wine.

About even by half five when we leave, though at one point Jools and I were down to mere pennies.

Back home for the music quiz, and then more international football on YouTube.

I won't bore you, but Hungary drew 1-1 with the Netherlands in a compelling game.

And then it was ten to ten, and long past my bedtime.


Thursday 10th October 2024

The week gallops on, and I cling onto its reigns and try to enjoy it.

I am enjoying it, I mean, I have reasons, and next week I travel for work and have a not very packed four days to fill with audit shenanigans.

In the meantime it rains.

Of course.

The ex-hurricane that was due to come here, faded and drifted east over France apparently. And instead we got frost and drizzle.

Not at the same time.

There's always work to deal with, though I am getting on top of things, bit by bit.

Next week, I am travelling, Henrik is in Spain also auditing, and Rune is going to Crete for a family holiday, if the doctor allows him with his broken fingers. So, things will be quiet.

Outside, it drizzled, and was cold enough to have to wear a jumper and have the heating on, and the final quarter light closed for cats to escape, thus leaving just the flap for them, and the possibility of Mulder and Scully ambushing the kittens. Though they're not actual kittens.

Two hundred and eighty four The day slid by, slowly. I pack up and watch some stuff on YouTube before cooking dinner and telling myself I needed a glass of wine.

I sent a second down to keep the first one company.

As you do.

Jools came home, I serve the food, we toast. We eat.

And then we gather our strength for the clearing up, all to be done before quarter to eight as England were playing.

Greece have never beaten England. Nor scored at either Wembley Stadiums. So it should be no surprise to hear Greece won, deservedly, 2-1.

In the picture, no matter how we try to rid the garden of passionflowers, the bloody thing returns every year.

Friday 11 October 2024

Wednesday 9th October 2024


And another day, or night, of excess sleep, meaning I get up at six with over eight hours rest, and feeling fine.

What can I say about today I didn't say about yesterday?

Not much if I'm honest.

There is work, as always, but having got back in control of work, I now have to wait. And then wait for the morning rain to stop, evaporate so I could do some gardening.

Blue Gardening involves the mowing of the long grass detailed yesterday, though that could wait until the afternoon so I could decide if I was up for some manual labour and actually get the mower out.

That said, not much else to report. It was sunny enough that the hawk moth was still basking, though not doing much, and Mulder and Scully more than happy to sit beside me and paw at my elbow to stroke them.

Two hundred and eighty three For feline killing machines, they can be quite gentle when the mood takes them.

Jools has painful heel issue, so goes to the clinic in Canterbury after work, leaving me here to hold the fort and feed the cats dinner until she returned.

She returned just before eight, so we had pizza and beer. Or cider. And another quiet evening passed and we went to bed at a Sensible time.