A really grim day, we went out to Dover Patrol; and old art deco building right on the edge of the cliffs in St Margerets. Its now a cafe with a wood burning stove and is right nice. I had a cuppa whilst Jools had coffee, and to eat I had lemon drizzle cake whilst Julie had bacon and cheese cake. With Brie cheese. We sat and watched the rain down the wondows and the logs on the fire split with a loud crack. Not rock n roll, but it did ok for us. We then decided it being a Sunday that we should go for lunch. So we took ourselves to a small but nice country pub we know called The Old Lantern in a village called Martin. It's all olde worlde charm and blackened beams and the such, but it's very nice indeed. As is typical the pub has no sign outside, and the passing visitor would think it's just another unbearably picturesque Elizabethan house with leaded windows and a thatched roof. It is a pub, with real ale, and character. Sadly, they had run out of roast meat except pork and roast potatoes; so we made do with wholetail scampi and a pint of foaming ale for me. And that did the trick.
After dropping Jools off at work I headed to the holiday park to the gym I have joined there; and did about an hour of stuff telling myself I was enjoying myself and listening to lots of Clash on the i pod. After that I headed to Ramsgate with my cameras, as it was such a different day to Sunday; all blue skies and warm breeze.

Ramsgate could be in the med really. With it's marina and smart painted houses and street cafes! I kid you not. I got some great shots, and then picked an Italian place and had a couple of cappucinos and a pannini whilst sitting outside watching the world go by.

Mondays are always so difficult I find.

Tuesday was another crappy day weather-wise; so after the gym I spent the day waiting beside the phone for news of the new house and the mortgage. Nothing happened. I didn't take my cameras out with me first thing to the gym, and mist a wonderful misty sunrise as the sun peeked through the clouds and fog over South Foreland lighthouse.
I won't make that mistake again.
I decided to walk from dover to Folkestone, along the white cliffs. It's about seven miles, but as I have been going down the gym I thought I could do it. Jools dropped me off near the base of Shakespeare Cliff, which rises like a frozen tsunami south of Dover and began my climb.Below me, the dawn lit the town and gave wonderful views as the mist rolled in. Needless to say I took lots of pictures.

I saw no other walkers the whole walk, and had just me and my thoughts for company. I had views of the harbour and then down to the rocks below as it was low tide. All along the coast there are the remains of defences going back to Napoleonic times; but most are from WW2; machine gun posts, artillery emplacements and huge concrete parobolas, the remains of 'ears' that could pick up the sound of aircraft. Made obsolete as soon as they were built by radar.

Before I reached Folkestone, the mist rolled in, and the drizzle started. Thanks to the wind and being on the edge of the cliff, the drizzle blew all was, even upwards. Lucky me. But still I enjoyed myself. I took a look at the battle of Briatin memorial, those days before America joined the war, and a few brave airman was all we had to keep Germany from our shores. There are many abandoned airfields all down the east coast of Britain, but it was over Kent the battle was fought hardest.

In the afternoon was when the smelly stuff hot the rotary air moving device. The mortgage company found a couple of details it didn't like in our application and withdrew the offer. I won't bore you with details, but we have spent the last day and a bit on the phone to the mortgage company and our solicitor trying to sort things out.
We may have done it; we'll know for sure tomorrow. But we were so close, we could smell the new carpet we picked! Anyway, fingers crossed on that, and with a little luck, and the understanding of some very nice people who did not have to be that, we should be in our new place in two weeks or so.
*that was the week that was