Jools lost her Dad, I lost my Mum, she lost her Nan and niece too. I lost friends and colleagues, taken mostly too soon. A warning to us all to be careful and take heed of our bodies when they tell us things. None of us are as young we were, and just because we used to be able to do something, doesn’t mean you can now. Or as quickly.
In the course of our jobs, adventures and obsessions, we have met mostly fabulous people, and many folks who we got to know online we met in real life. And things that were important to me a decade ago, are not any longer.
Ten years ago, I was let go from the box factory, and I thought I was unemployable, then a lead, an interview lead to a temporary job. And then circumstances lead to a full time job. And I’m still with the same company nine years eight months later. Next year sees me a decade there and an extra month’s pay and three day’s extra holiday as a reward.
But that is in the next decade, which very well might end with me and Jools being all old and retired. If our meagre pension pots can support our lavish lifestyle of international travel and cheese collecting. Who knows.
But here I am, nearly a decade with the company, in a new role. A new old rile. And a year, or years of travel ahead.
Rumbling along in the background through the decade has been Mum’s health. From a minor heart attack in 2011, a major one in 2017 and the final one a few months ago. Inbetween there have been numerous hospital visit and ambulance call outs. But nothing changed. Really. As I remarked before, maybe we are doomed to become the adult in the relationship with our parents I know I heard myself telling Mum what she had said to her Mother a decade or so before.
But in one ear and out the other, as me old Dad would say.
And so it went on.
Apart from Mum, work, there was other stuff. I got into the so-called Kent Church Project. I think I have visited 325 churches, many inside and out, and taken nearly 13,000 pictures, met many fine people and I hope many more to come. I have plans already for September next year, and probably the year after to on Heritage weekend.
I also got into orchids; you might have noticed.
From dipping my toes into the water in 2013 and 2014, to being over my head from the year after. There are plans for several non-Kent trips to see some of the rarer species. Always something new to see and discover.
Jools and I have visited many interesting places and seen some wonderful things. Including our dream trip to Japan, seeing the eclipse in Wyoming in 2017, New York and Boston last year and then Chicago and New Orleans this year. We also went to Germany a few times, as well as loads of places up and down the country, sometimes not on an orchid hunt, but mostly so.
We changed as people, slowly. Went from people who frequented the Rack of Ale on a regular basis, to hardly going out now. We used to eat out most weekends, now we hardly eat out at all.
Oh yes, The Rack of Ale: I noticed it one year when we went to the Chinese round the corner, I went to investigate, and ended up writing their entry in the Good Beer Guide, made friends with the owner, Trish, and sampled many, many different beer there, as well had taken part in many drunken conversations. The premises is still empty, no one having taken up the rent, and the letting of The Rack can be seen on the shop sign.
All things mush change.
Of course.
Music is still a huge part of our life, but we don’t really buy that much, except for the new PSB album when it comes out. We listen to a lot of radio. A lot. Different shows now, and there is/was always great new music to discover.
We went to see Bellowhead on their final tour and saw PSB finally on their most recent tour. Apart from that, a few trips to see bands in Dover at the new Booking Hall venue. I went with Pete to see The Stranglers, who played 90 minutes longer than when I last saw them at the UEA in 1981.
Norwich began the decade in the 3rd division, four promotions and two relegations mean that we see the decade out back in the Premier League, though currently bottom of the table, but at times still playing the best football I have seen any team the club has put out play. I saw Norwich promoted at Wembley one fine May afternoon in 2015 and have seen them when I can. Not as often as I’d like, but I can’t give them up. I fear I’ll still write about them for another ten years.
And we still have the ugly house on the cliffs. It is our home. It was falling down, so we had it repaired. We did the garden up, in two goes, and now I am trying to transform the lawn into a meadow. And doing OK about it.
We have had a falling out with our neighbours, and five years on, relations are still frosty. So it goes, so it goes.
We play cards with Jen and John most weekends. It gets us out of the house and not become such unsocial slobs. Though we do that on the other six weeks a year.
And here we are.
So, best sporting moment: seeing Norwich promoted at Wembley. Sorry Middlesbrough, but we were the better team on the day. Sir Bradley of Wiggins winning Le Tour in 2012 comes close, especially his winner’s speech. Seeing the Paralympics the same year was special, everyone was just smiling and proud of our country, how different from now.
Single of the decade: “Spitfire” by Public Service Broadcasting.
Album of the decade: “The Race for Space” also by Public Service Broadcasting.
Gig: Bellowhead at the Royal Albert Hall.
Moment of the decade: the 2017 eclipse. Standing in the Wyoming desert watching the sun go out.
Welcome to the working week. Again. reprise.
And so, Sunday evening; we have had dinner, the sun has gone down in a glorious red mist and now a crescent moon is over our house. And the butterflies have begun in my stomach.
Although it's not quite like starting at a new, bigger school, the feeling is the same. I know I shouldn't, I have the knowledge and the experience they wanted, otherwise they wouldn't have offered me the job. I know this, but it is also a big step, a foot in the door of a new industry, one that will grow and could be a good one to join.
People say that I must have been bored or depressed these past four months unemployed. I didn't think I was, but the wave of relief that swept over me when i was told I got the job was overwhelming. I do know that I had begun to be able to fill my days with nothing, listening to radio shows, playing with photography, and other ways to fritter my time away. I did, of course, look for jobs, write mails and apply online. Let me say that I am glad to have work now, and a bright new future for us lies ahead.
We have some work to do on our house, the coating has come off an outside wall where the rain got in, and althought he damage is superficial, it needs sorting. Which means a builder, scaffolding, painters, etc.
Just glad that we can plan that to be repaired now. Beyond that we have dreams of holidays of simple to exotic location in our heads, a new television (although that is not really needed, the one we have now I have had for 10 years), new clothes, a new bathroom, a granite worktop for the kitchen, redecorate the house, garden furniture.
And so on. None of it needed, per se, but you know, good to fantasise about. Work will mean me being online much less, I can't guarantee how often I will be able to write here, but I will update when I can.
Back on the chain gang!
Phew, first day at work is over, and I'm home after cooking a roast chicken dinner and having washed up and reflecting on a day in which I earned some money. I say earned, my day was mostly spent in front of a computer screen waiting for things to happen or for updates to load or install.
Anyway, being my first day, I got to start an hour later than everyone else so they could sort out the IT out for me.
That was so funny. Anyway, I turn up and a desk had been cleared for me, a laptop provided, attached to a dock thing, an printed e mail told me my screen name and password.
Two problems; one being the most complicated password ever created in the whole history of IT. It went something like this; 236#mYmaAq, all the swapping between upper and lower case and all that. Anyway after typing it in 50 or 60 times I got the hang of it. Seems like each laptop, which acts like a mini server, de-registers itself if it has not been on the network for 3 months. This I find out from the IT guy in Denmark. It took and hour to get to that stage, swapping leads, docks and the such, with the result that we decided the laptop was the problem.
So, the local IT guy got the message to register the laptop and configured it, remotley from the next room, probably. Quite why he couldn't come in and sort it out, maybe he was on a beach in Jamaica, possibly.
The second problem is that my screen name, and as I learned later, my e mail account, is i hard, as somehow they managed to insert an extra 'r' into my name. So, to the whole rest of the company and the world, I am now I Hard. Oh, how Jools laughed when I mailed her.
Just as I got the computer working and in a position to do something, it was lunchtime, and my boss went round asking, 'who wants a fat boys breakfast; I'm paying?' And who was I to say no? So, we walked into town and took our seats in a harbourside cafe and ordered a full breakfast with mugs of tea. And I was getting paid!
The afternoon I had to do the company induction, which seemed to be aimed at four year olds. So, I learned the parts of a wind turbine, and how the company is structured. And was doing well, and then the server crashed.
And so at half three I was told to go home and come back in the morning. Yay! So, back home, beating the traffic, and able to prepare dinner so it's ready before dark and be home before Jools.
So, first day went well, day two promises an avalanche of paperwork, but that might have to wait until the end of the week.
Bank Holiday Monday
Play Off Day.
I was fairly pan free: I took several drugs, used Deep Heat and I should be OK for the day ahead.
The big day arrived, with endless sunshine: was it a sign? Well, it was a sign that I thought I should take an hour or so to go to Pegwell Bay to look for some orchids. As you do. We had coffee, and I encouraged a reluctant Jools into the car; she thought me a little mad. Obsessed.
She had a point.
We drive to Richborough, find a place to park and go into the reserve, me with my orchid eyes peeled. I see Common Spotted spike, but that is it, as the reserve is already looking overgrown, well, not overgrown, but the foliage is well into spring, and growing strongly, hiding some less vigorous plants. I assume this is the case here.

It is a further shot drive to the other part of Pegwell where I hope to find the Bee and Yellow Man Orchids. I have seen no other reports from here, so it was just a guess that it would be worth it. It took some time to orient ourselves, I strode off to where I thought the Bees would be found, but I see nothing. Jools spots a spike, but is a week away from opening.
Further on I find many more spikes, so closer to opening, until right at the edge of the site, there was one spike, opening its first flower. A great find indeed. A dog walker eyes me warily as I lay down to get the shots.
A short distance away is the colony of 'lemon flavoured' Man Orchids. There are, if any thing, more robust than last year, and all are pretty much fully open, including one with elongated 'arms' and 'legs'. I snap that one good as well.

It was then a sprint to the car to drive back to get ready for the quarter to ten train.
Whilst I get ready, Jools makes breakfast; just a cuppa and a slice of toast. It is twenty past nine, I have a shirt I have never worn before, a camera, my phone and the ticket. Lets roll.
Norwich last made the play off final 13 years ago. I had worn a 'lucky' t short all through the season, and said I would wear it for the final. I bought a short marking the final, saying i would put it on for the journey back. City lost to Birmingham on penalties, and the shirt remained unworn. But I thought, what better way to break the 'curse'?

Standing on the station platform were two Boro fans, we made chat and wished each other the best. A young family in City colours looked nervous, but it was all good natured, they even posed for a photo. At least the train wasn't full, and I get a seat opposite the two Boro fans. We smile and I find from them a quicker way to the stadium. So, I said I would go that way.
At St Pancras there were many fans from both clubs about, eating or drinking: I had a date with some old friends at a pub near the ground, so I walk to the Tube station for a Metropolitan train towards Wembley. It is well used, but not crowded, so it was all pleasant, even the bunch of drunken City fans who spent the twenty minute trip bouncing up and down and singing.

At Wembley park, it is all so well organised, we are funneled up the stairs, through the exit and at the top of Wembley Way, where we all get our first view of the stadium: and it was true, we are here and it is real!

I head the other way to the pub, The Torch, to meet a friend. It is heaving, as you would expect, and I decide not to bother having a drink, just meet my friends and then walk to the ground, taking in the atmosphere and, hopefully, enjoy the day.

It is now packed, but there is no trouble walking down, we have 90 minutes before the game starts, and everyone is in good spirits, singing, taking photos and the such. Up the ramp to the outside of the stadium, the two sets of supports are parted, we to the east side, they to the west. The view back down Wembley Way is incredible, I take shots, as does others, but now I think it is time to go in take up my place.

There were no queues at the automatic turnstiles, and there was an escalator to take us up. And another. And another. And another. In the concourse there were bars, food outlets, plenty of toilets, and I could see the entrance to where my seat was. I have a beer and to my surprise get change from a fiver. Not a lot of change, 20p, but still.

Up the steps, I was directed to my seat, on the next to back row, but the view is sensational, the green of the pitch contrasting with the red of the seats. I guess there is less than 10k in the ground, no singing, but there is the sound of a thousand conversations. I get a tingle up my spine.
As time goes on, the ground fills up, the players come out onto the pitch to warm up, and the singing begins. By a quarter to three, the ground is full, we are all standing. And singing.
The teams are let out, there is more singing, we cheer and the players get ready for the game.
It kicks off, and is it tense stuff: we hit the bar, then Boro do too. And then the ball breaks in their penalty area, and Jerome scores in the near corner. We go mad.
We are still singing when the ball breaks to Redmond, who puts the ball into the far corner, and we are 2-0 up with 15 minutes gone, and in total control. Boro were rocking, and we could, should have scored a couple more, but the attitude of the teams change, City happy to contain, and Boro to huff and puff. Ruddy does not have to make a save.
Half time, and I am not concerned at all, it is all going to plan, and all seems set fair, and we have one foot back in the Premier League.

The second half goes much the same way, Boro probe, we defend, all pretty tame stuff, but City are in control. Boro get more desperate as time runs out, and with a couple of changes, we could have scroed more, but it wasn't needed. Time ran down; 15 to go. 10 to go. 5 to go. 2 to go. Then four minutes of injury time.

And it was all over. We had done it, promoted. I had a tear in my eye, which transferred to my glasses as the bloke behind me gave me a bear hug. There was more singing, dancing, the players celebrated. We celebrated. The Boro end emptied, as Norwich made to climb the stairs to collect the trophy. It seemed to take an age, but Russel Martin raised the cup, they cheer, we cheer, we all cheer. There was the usual team photo, popping champagne corks, fireworks all the usual stuff.

It was still going on as I left, we walk down an endless staircase, going down and round and down and round, until we come out on the side of the stadium, all City fans had huge smiles on their faces. The poor Boro fans had the opposite of course.
As we all walked down Wembley Way, there was some singing, which could have turned nasty, but didn't. At the station enough fans were allowed on to get onto a train, a train arrived and we all got on, six stops later I got off at St Pancras, with enough time for a beer at the Betjamin Arms. I meet up with a father and son Boro fan, we chat, they are very kind in defeat, said we were the better side and Boro hadn't been in it. They had to buy train tickets before they knew whether Boro would make the final, then had to allow for the chance it might got to penalties before booking a train back. They had to wait for the half eight train back north.
At half six, I walk to the platform, the train is waiting. I get a get and look at the photos. It wasn't a dream.
Back in Dover, Jools is waiting to take me home. The day was over, but the went well. And I was there.
Eclipse day.
The reason we were here, after all. All we needed was the weather to play ball. After the alarm went off, I got up to open the curtains, only to find almost total cloud cover. Oh no! I check the weather online and there seems to be no need to worry, with clear skies from ten, and a high of 32 or so by early afternoon.
We quickly get ready, check camera gear one last time, before going down to the lobby to hunt out breakfast. The choice seemed to be granola and fruit, as we have had enough of “sausage” and poorly cooked scrambled eggs. Anyway, they had the world’s worst granola dispenser, that deposited half a pound of serial in a bowl before the container fell off its stand. Oh well, in for a penny, in for half a pound.

Traffic was pretty thick, but we traveled at 70mph all the way down to Thermopolis; there was an air of expectation and worry in case our progress would grind to a halt at any moment. Above us the clouds thinned, and soon weak sunshine broke though.


Around us, a Mom tried to keep her tribe entertained, and did pretty well. They all, like us, had the eclipse glasses and made pinhole cameras for each of the children, which they used to pretend to be robots.
But all the time, the sun was being eaten, and yet, it got no darker. By eleven, a third of the sun was gone, and quarter past, a half. Traffic had faded to a trickle and stopped on the road, and, apart from the children, all was quiet.
At half past, nine minutes from totality, the light changed; it was still daylight, but different, flatter, and what traffic there was had headlights on. Only a thin sliver remained, and the final moments saw the light fade to dusk almost instantly.

The show would go on for another hour, as the moon cleared the sun. We decided to move on, to try to get to Riverton to have lunch, then cruise back and look for butterflies.
After packing the camera gear away, we pulled onto the main road, which was still pretty empty, and motored south, passing by hundreds and hundreds of vehicles and people on verges and down service roads still looking at the eclipse.

A female blue, mostly brown in colour, but with bright orange flashes on the aft wing. Certainly a different species from the one seen in Yellowstone. On a branch above I see another blue; a hairstreak, I would say a White Letter if I was back home, but here, will have to do some research.

And finally, Jools spots a moth, a moth so big it seems like a bird. We chase it around for ten minutes, but when it lands it is well camouflaged, so we have no chance of seeing it until we nearly step on it, at which point it flies off again. We give up.
Back to the car for the last leg back to the hotel, up the rest of the gorge and then through Thermopolis; we saw no freight trains this time, sadly, but still saw many butterflies.
All that was left was the 82 miles over the high lands to Cody, cruising at 70 in the light traffic, and reflecting on a stunning day. We get back into Cody just after six, back to the hotel to chill out and for me to [ost a shot of the eclipse on Faceache, and then thoughts turn to dinner.
First I wanted to photograph the main street in the blue hour, just after sunset and with the neon signs shining brightly, but apart from Irma’s Hotel, the signs were poor, and mostly were just shops and bars. So I take a few shots and we hightail it back down to Bubba’s, hoping for some more Bar-b-Cue. There was a line outside, and seemed we would have to wait an hour or so. Instead we drive back through town to the Rib and Chop Shop; they said they would have a table in 20 minutes, so we wait.
There was yet more football on TV, the Browns actually winning, and is distracting in a way. I have not watched NFL in at least 5 years, so I have no idea which are good and bad teams these days.
Our table was ready, so we go into the busting restaurant, and choose what to eat. I could have chosen a dozen things, they did some amazing food, some of it good smelling cajun. I plump for jambalia, which when it comes was fabulous, with spicy sausage and seasoned shrimp. Jools has BBQ shrimp, a New Orleans classic the menu said, and was wonderful too, so Jools said.
But it was ten by then, time to go back to the hotel for a nightcap, but the hotel has no bar! But we have two bottles of hard cider in the fridge back in the room; one each and just enough to make us proper sleepy heads.
We landed at 07:00, bouncing on Japanese tarmac, taxiing to a Japanese terminal for a Japanese airbridge connected to the plane controlled by an actual Japanese person. In short, we had arrived in Japan.
We were through immigration, collected the bags and through customs in less than an hour and walking though the exit door, there was a smart gentleman with our name on a board, ready to sweep us to his car and then into the city to our first hotel.

In the end we had an hour's drive to the hotel, along dual carriageways and then onto an elevated road for the final part to the hotel, twisting and turning through the skyscrapers, making it seem to me that we were travelling through a real life Sim City. What really surprised me is that the traffic didn't seem as crazy as i had expected. But in Bladerunner style, there were huge neon signs and video screens everywhere.

I wanted to tell him "but it's a JAPANESE police car!"
We arrived at the hotel, in the shadow of the Sky Tree, more of that later, and once we had our cases we entered the building, and rode the lift to the top floor where the lobby was. We handed over the voucher for the rooms, were given our keys, and so at nine in the morning, we were in our rooms, with three days in one of the world's biggest cities to fill.
I had noticed that there was a branch of Denny's nearby, so wanting coffee and breakfast, I thought that would be an easy place to have our first meal in Japan.

We were heavily jetlagged, tired and confused. We walk to the nearby bridge over the river, just looking at people, traffic and trains which filled the cityscape scene, it was all new, foreign and wonderful. I snapped everything that moved. And stuff that didn't.

A way down the street was a small chain steak restaurant, they had seats, so we thought we would be brave and go in.
In fact, I was unsure, but Jen said we have to eat somewhere, so why not try it. So I went reluctantly in, and this turned to be the moment when we got a handle on the country and its people.
We were met by much bowing, and shown to three seats at a counter. We order steaks by type and weight, as well as a bottle of house red. Before being cooked, the chef cut the steaks from a larger piece and presented each one to us for inspection before being cooked.
All this was done with them not speaking any English and us not speaking any Japanese. But we made ourselves understood, even ordering a bottle of cheep sweet red wine.
The steaks were serves on metal skillets, so hot it made the corn the steak was served with pop. It was one of the best steaks I have ever had, wonderfully tender and seasoned. We weren't the centre of attention as I thought, people just came in, ordered and ate, just as we did. I got the chef and servers to pose before we left, doing the whole tourist thing.

We had the garden to ourselves, sheltered by a roof overhang. We drank Japanese beer or gin and tonics, played cards all with the backdrop of the naked city, all it up.
And this wasn't our first full day, this was a Brucie Bonus day. It would begin for real in the morning.
I spoke to Mum last on Tuesday night.
I thought I had better. I mean I had been putting it off since the 19th when I should have called to say thanks for the anniversary card.
Mum had neither written on the envelope nor inside the card, getting a carer to do it, I guess.
We spoke of her health and my work. She said she was fed up and in pain. We know now that was the truth.
We spoke for about 5 minutes, then that was it. I rang off.
Wednesday evening, Jools called at quarter to seven and she told me there was a message from the care agency that Mum had been admitted to hospital. Nothing more.
This is not an unusual event, but when Jools called the hospital, she found that Mum was in Intensive Care, and once through she was told Mum was in a critical condition.
What we know now is that she had collapsed at some point and her carer found her. But it took a while to get Mum onto the floor to give CPR. This meant many minutes went by when there was no oxygen getting to Mum's brain. I am not blaming anyone here, just saying what happened.
Therefore it was strongly suspected Mum had severe brain damage at best, and so with a bleak outlook. The family were advised to attend if they could. She was fitting constantly, and she was on strong medication to stop that too.
I could have gone. I was on the Isle of Wight, I could have dashed, but they said Mum was so deeply unconscious, she was probably in a coma, and had been before the carer found her. From that point on she was in no pain.
I called the ICU on Thursday morning, and was told by the senior nurse that, in her experience, there was only going to be one outcome. But, they were going to take her for a scan to see brain activity and see if there were any bleeds. I would be called at lunchtime, but was told that I would be asked to make the difficult decision.
The morning passed and the senior doctor called me. He said there was no hope, and they wanted to stop treatment. She was only being kept alive my the machines. Jools said she wanted to be there, I said I didn't, not because I don't care, but she would know nothing. So, the doctor said they would keep treatment going until Jools arrived, but if Mum had another cardiac event, then there would be nothing they could do.
Accepting that, Jools set off from Hythe, and I got back to the last part of work for the day.
I spoke to Jools just as the final meeting was ending, she said she was an hour away from the hospital, and would let me know.
I was on the ferry, just coming into Southampton when I received the message from Julie, Mum passed away at 18:45.
They had stopped treatment, he breathing got slower, her heart slowed, then quickened briefly, before the lines on the readout slowly flattened.
She was gone.
Julie found out Mum had had another significant heart attack fairly recently, and that according to her blood work her kidneys were hardly working. Her circulation had been very poor too.
The doctor said she was in such poor physical condition, she could not fight the final cardiac arrest. Over two decades of living on shortbread biscuits, Pringles and cigarettes took their toll, as did sitting in the armchair for 23 hours a day.
And now, none of it matters, all too late. It will be interesting, and very, very bumpy.