Wednesday 30 January 2019

Up a creek without a paddle or clue

So, today's papers allowed for May to bathe in triumph, a battle victory over. Well, over what? Oh yeah, reality.

What May has succeeded in doing was showing the EU and every other country a UK ripped out of the EU cannot be trusted, and any deals agreed will have to be watertight. And to the EU that the backstop is every bit as vital as before, but then, even more so. And if that don't make sense, its because Brexit doesn't.

UK will be a pariah on the global trade stage, a complete basket case, willing to gamble with its own prosperity, and one that a country that cannot be trusted.

It is madness, and until Parliament starts to face up to the clusterfuck of a situation it has gotten into, that if it really does reject no deal, and May's deal, then it must come up with a viable alternative that over half of the 650 MPs can get behind and actually vote for, because if not, then Brexit is gonna happen, and all they have done is give May two more weeks to faff around, two weeks that the country does not have.

I have no confidence that someone will ride in to save the day, I think that when push comes to shove, Parliament will freeze.

And even if Brexit is delayed or stopped, its already too late.

The country is already 2.6% poorer that it would be had it voted to remain, and businesses and EU agencies are leaving. Last week the European Medicines Agency closed its door and moved to Amsterdam. 600 jobs went. All fine, except that because that was there, dozens of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies had their European offices in London too. Their obs and investments will go too. And the UK's role in certifying drugs for Europe through NICE.

All gone, and pointless, thrown on the funeral pye in the name of ending freedom of movement, that the country benefits from.

All mad.

Make it stop.

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