Friday, 29 March 2013

Friday 29th March 2013

Good Friday.

The fact I am writing this blog this afternoon means I am in Kent and not in Suffolk visiting Mum. The reason for this is simple, flu. Although I don't feel too bad, I have been awake since two this morning. Now, I don't think two actually qualifies as morning. It was certainly dark, and despite repeated efforts to try to go back to sleep, it would not come. This does explain why I was bacon butties at five this morning and moving straight onto saffron buns.

We had a bun each for lunch, and now are contemplating on life as the sun shines outside. We are not outside because both us feel like crap; me with the flu and general lack of sleep and Jools now has a cough which kicks in whenever she tries to speak.

I stayed at home yesterday, and spent all bar one hour in bed, which means I really was feeling crap. Not that I slept, that would be too simple, but i did listen to the radio and was kept company by Scully as she managed to sleep. For eight hours.

Jools came home at half three and just about went straight to bed, not passing go and not collecting £200.

We hope to bring you our normal programming tomorrow......

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