Thursday 26 November 2015

Thursday 26th November 2015


And verily, the sun did shine.

And Jools did go to work before the sun had risen, leaving me with just a coffee pot and three cats.

And halfway though the week, no commuting, and no airports, hotel rooms and boy, does it feel strange? At least I am not tired. At least after the session on the cross trainer the day before, I feel more alive, which means I feel able to take on the tasks of the day, which for the most part is reviewing and re-writing documents. The morning passes, the sun climbs half up the southern hemisphere, then begins to sink in the west. But ran out of sky before it hit the point due west.

I was going to go out to take some shots, before the light faded, but there is always one more document or one more meeting to deal with. I had a document to review, this bounced in at three leaving me two hours to review its content. So much for sunshine. So much for fresh air. So much for photography.

However, there is always time for cross-training. So, with my only other pair of trainers, I get my gear on, select some work out tunes, and off I go. Pumping away.

That done, I am reminded of the biggest ever sports story, as one of the tunes I had listened to was Tessie by the Drop Kick Murphys; a tune written about a baseball team, and re-recorded to celebrate this greatest ever sports story. Now, I know that such terms are so overused, especially in sport, but end of The Curse is one that one day, a film will be written about.

In short, Babe Ruth, baseball player and candy make, was sold by the Red Sox to their arch rivals, the Damn Yankees, and he was rumoured to have said that the Red Six would never win another World Series. And so 86 years passed. 86 years which included some close shaves with winning, but something always seemed to go wrong, so much so that the curse became too real. Cut to 2004, and the Red Sox made it to the post season, and standing in the way of the ALCS pennant was them Yankees.

And soon the Red Sox found themselves 3-0 down in the best of 7 series. They would have to come back from so far back, that no team had ever done so, and yet, they did. Then they met the Cardinals in the World Series, so names after the first sponsor, The World, a newspaper not so the winner could be declared world champions. Anyway, Sox swept the series 4-0 to win 8 post games in a row. And end the curse.

I say this because we football, or soccer, fans think we are the only once passionate about our game, that our supporters are the best in the world. But then to be in Boston, in October when they are playing the Yankees, then witness some real passion and rivalry. Since I was in Boston the year before the curse was busted, I supported the Red Sox, and sat up to watch them win the whole shebang the next year. 86 years of hurt, of failure, causes the release of a whole lot of emotion.

So I watch a DVD I have of the series, sitting beside me the whole while was miss Molly, keeping an eye on me, to see when I would decide it was dinner time.

Dinner for us adults is soup. Spicy Moroccan, which is indeed spicy. I then have to head out into the chaos that is the roads around Dover, as the new security checks are causing so much talbacks and jams. It took Jools 90 minutes to get home earlier, and the only way out to anywhere really is along Reach Road and along the cliffs. I would have taken shots of the traffic jammed on Jubilee Way, but the traffic behind me was so bad, there wasn't space for me to stop.

I had to drop off the house key to my friend Gary, as he is looking after the cats over the weekend, as we are on our travels. More of that another time.

I get home safe, coming back the same way as the traffic is still jammed on all the main routes.

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