Saturday 11 March 2017

Thursday 9th March 2017

Another day with my nose to the grindstone, making sure paperwork is filed, electronically.

Being Thursday, it is bin day, and it is only when I head the truck reversing up the road just before eight do I realise I am late in getting them out. And then, at eight, there is a meeting. The another meeting, so it is half ten before I go to collect them, now emptied, and I meet Diane from over the road, giving me the chance to ask about BOb and exchange news. It seems to be the modern way, even friends who are neighbours, sometimes speak just once every two weeks.

Thursday as also delivery day: plants, chairs, and various cooking ingredients were brought to the door and have to be signed for. I felt sorry for the guy who had to come here to deliver a single pack of flavoured cous cous, and then an hour later, another driver brought more cous cous from the same place. Must make sense to someone and I suppose they're all making money out of it somehow. So now we have lots of stuff to eat with breaded pork or chicken, and ingredients for many of Rick Stein's recipes. Be prepared for more adventures in European cuisine in the near future.

Sixty six There is a little food about the house, but there is always the tub of short cakes to feast upon, so I take another large one with a huge brew and the new edition of WSC out into the garden to sit in the warm sunshine for lunchtime. I could have sat there all afternoon if I am honest. Would anyone notice if I did?

As usual, I work until three, then MOlly and I sit on the sofa to watch another episode of Time Team. I have my mobile with me, keeping track of work and available for calls, messages and mails.

Springtime for Jelltex Outside, it has turned into a fine spring afternoon, I take a shot to show how wonderful the garden looks. I mean it is wonderful, I sit more on the patio, admiring the scene.

Through the day, I had prepared the pork, beef ragu pie, and once I knew Jools was on the way home at half five, I put it in the oven to warm up and finish off the pasta.

It is wonderful to sit down together after the long day, Jools has Friday off, so for her the weekend has begun. I am contacted by a friend, did I want to go to a gig on Friday? He did ask a month ago, and I could not say. Now I had to decide. I thought about turning it down, but that would confirm me as a stay at home middle aged bloke, so thought about how to make it work, staying at the UJC, I book a room and so all is set. I may be going, but I think my pogoing days are behind me, but who knows?

This means taking a half day off on Friday, but then again I will take my phone so able to manage, what with me being a manager and all that.

After dinner there is more 80s music from 1983 on TOTP, the presenters being Kid Jensen and John Peel. This is the 999th edition, which should have meant that the next one a mighty celebration of nearly 20 years of music. Sadly it was presented by Saville and Travis and featured on Gary Glitter, so that will not be seen again. That not one newspaper printed anything untoward about any of them if frankly unbelievable, especially Saville who had convictions dating back to the late 50s. I find it most incredible as almost any slightly famous person in those days, even one fo the Prclaimer brothers would be named and shamed in a kiss and tell story in either the Screws or People.....

Anyway, the end of another day, another day at home.

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