Saturday, 8 February 2025

Thursday 6th February 2025

It has taken a week, but there were signs that Jools's shoulder was improving. Though that would only become clearer through the day.

She had toyed with the idea of going back Thursday, as there was a supplier visit on, but thought better of it. As it turned out, she might have been able to go in, but it could have set her back, so instead she is off now until Monday, and still won't drive.

We so wanted to get up on time, or intended to, but it was twenty past six when we did wake, and pale light was already showing round the edges of the curtains.

Too clod and windy for her to go for a walk, so she went upstairs to cross stitch, read and pass the time away as I worked on down in the living room.

The days are now running out, and while others have future activities to plan for, I do not. Only one last trip to head office for a not-so-secret party that's being arranged.

I am going to meet lots of former colleagues and friends, it will be a joy, maybe bittersweet all the same.

I nip to Tesco to get some lunch, fruit and pasta. I spend fifty quid, which seemed amazing, but less to buy at the weekend.

I suppose.

Back home for a meeting, then prepare the fruit and yogurt, make a fresh coffee and we eat.

The cats are still not happy with eating in a one hour window, twice a day. This is ensure Scully's insulin have maximum effect, so no snacking to allow the insulin to work.

And working it is, water consumption is well down, which is what sparked our worry in the first place.

I make Rubens for lunch, with sliced beef, mustard and pickles, and are very good indeed.

Later in the day I make Italian lentils with pasta; a hearty meal to which I add sausages. Its all done in about 90 minutes, and it another triumph, and not bad for a first attempt.

Thirty seven We have cider/wine with dinner. Then wash up and have a coffee, before Spurs played Liverpool in the League Cup.

Ended 4-0 to Liverpool, and was a grim performance from Spurs. Pity the 5,500 fans who made the trip.

Its a long way back.

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