Tuesday 9 November 2010

Deception Point.

And so we now know, that if there is a law blocking a government doing something unsavoury, like say for instance, torture. All the government has to do is change the definition of what torture is and then we can pretend that almost drowning somebody, no matter how much of a bad person that is, is not torture. Because the lawyer said so, and in the words of the idiot in chief, I’m no lawyer! You don’t say so George?

And so we justify doing bad things because the ‘enemy’ does bad things too. And by doing bad things we stopped bad things from happening. Although there is no proof that torture works at all, because apply enough pressure and/or pain and people will agree to anything. Yes, I recant the devil and his army of demons, of course I do. Now can you please stop inserting those large spikes up my bottom?

Torture, black opps, rendition, black prisons, spin, Dick Chaney: there is no length to which the allies went to which was beyond the pale. A truly moral leader of men would know what is morally right. Even if a lawyer had said water-boarding was within the law, you would know that morally it was wrong. And a true leader of men would accept that buck stops with him.

And if invading Iraq was because Saddam was a bad man, then why stop there? North Korea , Indonesia , Sri Lanka , China and so on, all have appalling human rights records, and some have waged wars on their own people. But we leave them well alone don’t we? I feel that the invasion of Iraq was either done with the knowledge that there was no WMD because kitting level for the British troops was quite frankly pathetic, and so it must have been known that there was no need for NBC suits, respirator canisters, etc. The only other explanation was that MOD procurement was terrible.

Wait a minute……

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