I’m not allergic to nuts, or I don’t think so.
I have to wait for the new year for the blood test, and then maybe three weeks after that to get the results. And I am pretty sure what I’m allergic to; cats and house dust. All that I will have to work out is why it has exploded from just itchy eyes to full on flu. Maybe its what happens, things change.
Who knows?

So, this week has been recovering from the latest bout on Sunday/Monday; once I caught up with sleep I felt human again. So much so I got back on the cross trainer. I didn’t realise how long it had been. It must be two if not three months, what with allergy, flu and travel the thought of getting back on it has not been an appealing one. But last week I charged the i-pod, and so no excuses. I did just 15 minutes on Tuesday, and 20 on Wednesday. It’s not a marathon or a triathlon, but it is a start, even if I get icy glares from Scully as she tries to have her 15th snooze of the day on the spare bed.

I had to work from home yesterday, and as I couldn’t book up an appointment with the doctor the day before, I called at half eight and got one for ten. I decided to walk across the fields to the surgery. It was a very cold and frosty morning, but good to be out and walking up the hill the other side of the dip really got my blood pumping and I was soon warm enough.

So, I tell the doctor the tale of the flu/allergy. He says, ‘you have an allergy’. No shit!? So, make an appointment to have a blood test. So, until then I have to cope as best as I can. I suppose I should be glad that he believed me this time and was willing to do something.
In other news, yesterday was international roadie day, or 12.12.12 as it was otherwise known. As it was one of those freak of the calendar that occasionally throws up these numerical conundrums. Doesn’t mean anything else other than it looks good when you write it out or see your digital clock tick down. It doesn’t mean the world is going to end for sure. Talking of which, some believe that according to the Mayans, the world is going to end on the 21st. Quite good as they didn’t have a good grasp on how long the year actually was, and since then we have had at least two stabs of calendars, and probably the mayans version was hundreds of years ago, or hundreds of years in the future. I hope it doesn’t end, as we have tickets to see The Hobbit on the 23rd. But we have to visit Mum at some point, so swings and roundabouts if the world does end.

Some people have gone to live on the side of a mountain in France as this is where aliens(!) will arrive to rescue mankind, or something. Did the Mayans know France was there? Or would be there at some point in the future? This really does sound very silly. As silly as those who gave up their jobs, houses in order to meet their alien saviours.
So we sat down, I say we, I mean I sat down, to listen to Norwich play Villa in the League Cup, or whatever it is called these days, on Tuesday. Sadly, City’s 10 match unbeaten run came to an end, and finished losing 4-1 to Villa after falling behind with 10 minutes to go and then went chasing the game. Oh well, I tell myself it don’t really matter, which is doesn’t.
That apart, much the same as ever, the weekend approaches with the promise of much train chasing ahead, which will be nice.
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