Wednesday 29 April 2020

Tuesday 28th April 2020


And lo, the rain did fall, in stair-rods.

I laid in bed, when it was still dark and could hear the rain falling. It would do the garden good, I thought. Nothing quite like dozing to the sound of rain falling.

I doze some more, I hear a noise, and when Jools gets up she informs me of the dead field mouse laying in the doorway to the bedroom. I'll bring the poor thing down, I say.

So, back to the grindstone.

Jools is making coffee, so I had better get up, I grab the stiff mouse, tail longer than the mouse, and take it downstairs. The cats think its desert.

No desert for breakfast my kitties.

The rain falls hard outside, it is so overcast I never turn the table light off. Jools says she is going for a walk anyway, so that means I will have to do my session on the cross trainer too. Didn't feel like it, but I must not let this slip. It has been nearly five months now on this health kick.

One hundred and nineteen I do my twenty minutes, and am down setting up the office and making breakfast when Jools comes back, soaked. But the rain will get harder through the morning.

Looks like I would be going nowhere.

So, there is work.

Always work.

Meetings, calls, and reviewing documents.

The morning passes very slowly.

Lunch comes and goes. The rain continues to fall. I stand at the back door and watch as a brave robin comes up the steps to the top patio, looking for worms and bugs. So, I take snaps.

Robin Erithacus rubecula Into the afternoon and I press on with work, whatever I did, it took all day.

I do another session on the cross trainer at four, though felt like crap. But did it anyway. Then it was time to start dinner: warmed through roast lamb, roast ptoatoes, steamed veg and Yorkshire puddings. It was quite the plateful.

And there was pink fizz, obvs.

We eat well, and are stuffed.

Which explains why I slept so poorly, too full after eating three hours before bed time. But more of that tomorrow.

It was a good day.

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