Christmas Eve.
And all preparation was done, all presents and provisions bought and stowed away and/or wrapped.

A Tuesday, apparently, and nothing at all to do.
We had a shower early on, had coffee, then by ten had breakfast and another coffee, and so we were ready to face the world.

Which pretty much involved drinking tea and snacking, watching videos on YouTube and listening to podcasts.

We did not go to the gym, but it had closed by lunchtime.
We did go out for a walk. Jools up to Windy Ridge, but me just up and down the streets of the estate on a new year plant hunt, and easily completed the #winter10 challenge of plants in flower.

Come four in the afternoon, and with shops closing or already closed, I suggested we drive to Deal to look in wonder at the festive lights. And maybe have a beer out.

The roads were already quiet into town, and in the main town car park there were spaces.

I paid for an hour, and we set off to explore.
The lights were on the main street, and street furniture got in the way in places, but I took shots.

Then round to Middle Street, to get shots of the narrow street and fake Victorian lighting, before walking back to the Just Reproach, but finding it full, we went to the car and drove back.

Getting back we had supper of party food, then settled down to watch Interstellar in demand, which was OK, and at least Matt Damon played against type.

At half nine, we went to bed, and so the house fell silent, all ready for Santa's visit.
Happy Christmas to all.
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