And another day with no work or football.
How do they expect us to survive without football?
Beats me.
Our colds are still hanging around, like the uninvited guests they are, but we are hopeful things are improving.
I have no idea what I did all morning, other than put of the stained glass decal that arrived from Diane in NYC the day before. Positioned here, the rays of the rising sun will pour through and fill the room with colour.

I listen to podcasts, watch videos and am soon all caught up. Jools goes to jJen's to collect some plastic containers in which to freeze our leftover turkey tagine.
Oddly, Chrome is trying to change turkey to Türkiye every time I type it, this is a recent thing. Not that I type it much outside the festive season.
Jools gets rolls on the way home, so we have warmed through pigs in blankets as hot dogs. And beer.
And is a triumph, of course.
Darkness falls, I watch two hours of The Sky at Night, we play Trivial Pursuit then Crib while we have cheese and crackers for supper, before heading to bed at the terribly late time of half nine.
Happy New Year
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