Yes, it was cold, frosty and the roads to the A2 were tricky.
I filled the car up, got two candy bars, then went to meet Jools in the shop.
There was me expecting there to be a huge amount of ex-Christmas stock on discount and me thinking some cheese footballs or flavoured peanuts, but there was nothing.
So it goes.
There might not have been any Christmas stock, but stuff for Easter is already on sale, with several huge displays of Creme Eggs.

Back home, and while Jools put the shopping away I prepare breakfast and make fresh brews.
Being a Saturday, there is football to watch, but before the main bunch of games we have to go out.
To meet a friend.
Over the years, social media gets a lot of bad press, and with good reason, but the good stuff it does is hardly ever reported.
Andy lives in London/north Kent, and we have been contacts of Flickr for more than a decade, and nearly 12 years ago we met up when we went to investigate the Grain Tower in the mouth of the Medway.
Andy likes history, and was coming down to do the "Dumpy Tunnels" tour at the castle, would we like to meet for coffee later or a beer?
We would.
So at half three we walked into the Hoptomist just off Dover Town Square, where Andy already had a pint of porter under control.
We found a table to sit at and chatted for over an hour, nearly two in fact, as he had to catch the twenty past five train back home.
We dropped him off at the station, then headed home where I got news that Norwich, who has been losing to Coventry into injury time, not only levelled, but scored a winner.

Back home to have the rest of the pasta bake for supper and try to stay awake to watch the Arsenal game.
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