And a day that began with sunshine and fairly calm conditions which would turn to gales and heavy rain in the afternoon, so if we were going to do anything, it would have to be early.
So it was that soon after half eight we were heading to Samphire Hoe to get some steps in and for me to look for orchid rosettes.
Jools had come down on Saturday, and found the place jammed due to the sunny weather, but on a now dull and increasingly breezy Sunday morning, just us and the dogwalkers about, as the sea wall was too dangerous for fishing.

After 90 minutes we were back at the car and driving home. Jen was watching the Australian Open final, so we let her be, instead going home so I could prepare lunch, peel and soak the potatoes for lunch of toad in the hole, roast potatoes and steamed veg.

I don't know how to describe the flavours of toad in the hole, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy, but the flavours, textures, especially with the crispy ends of the pudding and the superb roast potatoes made it a delight.

Only problem was to stay awake during the afternoon. The first half of the Palace v Brentford game was 1-0 at half time, but when I awake from my slumber, it was 1-2.

By which time the weekend was nearly over with, and with hot cross buns for supper and a fresh, strong brew, it was soon time for bed, and the week ahead beckoned.
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