Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Monday 10th February 2025

Scully has diabetes, which requires monitoring. And regular check ups, which is why I am taking Jools into town to meet with Sean so they can go to work together, and I have to car for the midday appointment.

UP at half five, time for coffee before leaving the house at ten past six, out into the steady rain and out to the south east, no sign of dawn.

Forty one So down Jubilee Way and along the promenade to the Best Western where Jools gets out, and I turn round and go for home.

Scully was crazy hungry, but she has had breakfast and her morning jab, so she just had to accept it, and so she goes to sleep.

And I go to work, or start work once the office is set up.

We have a department meeting at nine, talking about how to improve things. I really should have said some more staff would be nine, but button my lip

At half eleven, I grab Scully and put her in the caged box, then drive us to Whitfield with her singing all the way.

We have to wait half an hour, then she was weighed: up to 4.2 Kg, I think 200g increase in a week, and then a blood test.

And that cost £58.

Back in the car to drive home, have breakfast of strawberry jam sandwiches with salt and vinegar crisps: my favourite. I had nipped to Tesco earlier for supplies.

So, Scully sleeps on the sofa once it is clear there is no lunch, and I get working some more.

Outside the rain falls harder from darker clouds than ever. I put the table lamp back on so I could see.

The day faded and turned to an early dark night. I get a message to pick up Jools at ten past five from martin Mill, so drive out into the rain, down Station Road, across the main road and to the station.

Martin Mill Then back gain where lunch is burgers and beer.

After clearing up there is, of course, football. I watch half-heartedly until half nine, and I let my legs take me up the wooden hill.

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