Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Tuesday 4th February 2025

Tuesday. And Jools is off work, likely the whole week. But we'll see.

First morning we sleep through the alarm to six ten, and its a mad scramble to get ready for work, have coffee and all that, all for seven.

Thirty five Once I check my mails, I quickly nip to Tesco for some supplies. Mainly something for lunch, and a few other things. Tesco has a few schoolkids in, heading to the nearest academy, but the rest of the shop away from the meal deals, was pretty empty.

Trail on trial Back home by eight, and so we have coffee and breakfast, then Jools puts on ice pack to bring the swelling down. In fact she has a series of packs which mean there is one on her sore shoulder pretty much all day.

It goes without saying. she is fed up with the whole situation, and has to accept that she really can't do that much other than read or snooze. Even cross-stitch hurt a little, at least until the ice packs and drugs kicked in.

London Porter We have bacon butties for lunch, while I carry on working. I have less than 35 days to do. Maybe even less than that, and can hear the clock ticking away very loudly.

The day fades away. I pack up the work computer and we have a coffee and a wad.

I defrost some chilli for dinner. Cook some rice, and serve with beers/cider and some tortillas to give the meal some crunch.

Its pretty darn good even if I say so myself. As the cook.

Jools heads to bed early, worn out, so I listen to football on the headphones and sip a wee dram or two.

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