Monday, 2 April 2012

Monday 2nd April 2012

And lo, after the weekend the sun did shine.

In fact, on Sunday the sun did shine too, but yesterday, I felt like death warmed up. You see, last week's sniffle developed quickly into a cold and a chesty cough. Which had the wonderful side effect of filling my nose and sinuses with green custard and stopping me from sleeping. Average hours sleep achieved since Tuesday varied between one and four hours. And by God did I feel crap most of the time. I took Wednesday off due to the single hour of sleep I received the previous night, and things did not improve until Sunday night. After waking up at a quarter past twelve on Sunday morning, for the second night running, I did the only thing I could think of and had two huge whiskies to knock me out.
It kinda worked, and I got four more hours and felt vaguely human for all of Sunday. But not human enough to actually want to go out and do stuff. We did go for a short walk to see the pigs again, but i felt too washed out to go any further, and so I turned back home whilst Jools went to the local farm to see if they had any nice plants for sale, only to find they gave that up last year.

Snake's Head Fritillary

Back home I made a loaf of bread to go with the nice ham I bought, and so we had warm wholemeal sandwiches filled with ham cut off the bone, along with hot mugs of coffee for lunch. And for the afternoon I dozed on the sofa whilst watching Liverpool stumble to yet another defeat, this time against Liverpool.

Saturday we went out to have breakfast with two friends from Ashford, who came over to see us. The place on the cliffs wasn't open, so we went to the old fall back option of Deal pier. It was cool, almost cold, at least compared to the springlike weather we had during the week, but soon we were sitting down to fine fried breakfasts and big mugs of tea.


As Dadi is expecting, they cut their visit shot, and after dropping them off in Dover we went back home to do more relaxing, coughing and swearing about the coughing.

That evening we watched the new Tin Tin film from Spielberg, which was good enough for me, although can't really see why it was make in motion capture and not live action.

Wake up

So, a four day week this week, as Friday is Easter and the beginning of a four day weekend. Just saying.

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