Thursday 24 March 2016

Thursday 24th March 2016


The quiet week continues. It does mean I am up to date of course.

Outside the glorious sun of the previous day was gone, replaced by blanket cloud and a cool breeze. I have work today, so apart from putting the daily two tubs of bird food outside in the front garden, and the regular spring bulb patrol, I don't go outside. Instead I sit at the table, listening to the radio and working away.

All in all it was a quiet morning, which I enlivened by making a batch of rolls to go with the soup we were going to have for dinner. Chili seeds: check! Poppy seeds: check!

And making the dough rise means having to have the heating on so, I sit around as the house warms up, waiting for the fine smell of baking yeast working hard. All are proven and baked before the afternoon is a couple of hours old, but this did not stop me from cutting one open and smothering it with butter, just to carry out a QC check, just to make sure that were up to standard. And glad to report that they were.

I gird my loins once more and just before 5 take myself up them stairs to the spare room to pound some lard on the cross-trainer. Despite having some fine tunes on, I ran out of puff three minutes short of my target, and sadly, gave up for the day. Scull, who now has decided the best place for bed is in the spare wardrobe, looked out at my sweating form slumped sitting on the bed.


Jools was due home at about seven, so I listened to yet more radio, edited more photos and posted them on Flickr. It keeps me quiet.

Jools comes home, tired after a long day at the coalface with her boss away, so I warm the soup, butter a couple of rills and ta-daaa, dinner is prepared!

What better way to get ready for sleep than to watch an hour documentary as to the nature of gravity and whether anti-gravity is possible Jools stayed awake for most of it, but at nine we accepted the inevitable and switched the TV off.

Same shot tomorrow, yeah?

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