Sunday, 23 February 2025

Friday 21st February 2025

This will be a brief post.

I had a bad night, as you might imagine, with only dozing between outbursts.

By half three, I had expelled most of what there was to be expelled, so snoozed to half five, when Jools woke up.

No matter how well meaning others are, there is nothing they can do to help, maybe bring a drink or more drugs, but unless they can wave a wand and make it all go away.

Fifty two Jools put the bins out, fed the cats, then eft for work. I stayed in bed, listening to a podcast, but dozing off before it eneded.

And so the morning passed, with me drifting in an out of sleep, but my body feeling like I had fallen down a mountain and my head stuffed with straw.

Jools came back to take Scully to the vet, and when she returned she made coffee, so I got up and got dressed.

Best coffee ever; sweet and strong, giving me energy and helping me feel human again.

I take to the sofa to watch TV while Jools goes out on chores. The cats are every hungry, and four pairs of eyes follow us as we move around.

Jools comes back with Ritz crackers and sausage rolls, so I have one roll and some crackers with another coffee, and that will do today for food.

A quiet night and early to bed, methinks. Feeling better hour by hour.

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