Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Monday 24th February 2025

And here we are, once again.

I was only here on Saturday, but at Dover Priory before dawn to catch a train to that London.

Mail waiting for a train En route to the airport this time.

A miserable morning, with rain throwing it down, and it followed me to London, to Amsterdam and then to Denmark.

Where, currently, in Arhus, its pissing it down.


Up at five to get dressed, have coffee and check on trains one last time. Jools dropped me off at the station on her way to work, leaving me with twenty minutes to wait.

Just as well I noticed my train was leaving from platform 2 for a change, I'd have missed it.

So on the red eye, which filled up with commuters on its way through Kent, standing room only by the time it left Stratford.

And all too dark to look out the windows, where there was just my bleary-eyed reflection staring back.

My direct BA flight has been crapped, so I have to fly KLM via Amsterdam this time, and its always a faff.

I was dreading it.

Anyway, up the DLR and I found no queue at the KLM desk, dropped my case off, ten minutes in security, and time enough for breakfast in the little used restaurant near the US gates.

Breakfast at LCY My mouth ordered a full English and a coffee. Didn't think I was hungry, but there's the smell of frying bacon to make anyone hungry.

I ate that up, paid and then went to find a quit place to sit and people watch.

An hour passed.

The flight was called, it was crazy busy as always, so I was last on, hanging back as I could sit with my bag. Unlike the father and son in front who had 5 carry on cases between them. I thought there were restrictions, but apparently not.

In the 40 minute flight, the staff managed to dish out drinks and a snack and collect the trash.

Now for the fun of naughty Amsterdam.

The airport, anyway.

The fear of endless lines waiting to clear immigration were ill-founded, and I was through in two minutes.

So, two hours to kill and a great selection of bars to choose from.

Just had to choose one.

I found one, that sold ice cold beer, and accidentally jump to the front of the queue, but the barman was happy to serve me.

Fifty five I found a table and watch the full spectrum of human life pass in front of me. All sorts.

Texels And there was me.

Ten more minutes brought me to the gate, where I found a seat and waited.

An hour to kill.

There was the usual rush to get on first, I lagged behind, so got on the second bus to the standing, but having chose a set three rows from the back, I didn't have anyone next to me.

KLM Just like I planned.

The guy in the seat in front did, however, snore like an Olympic champion, and on occasion, drowned out the sound of the engines. Which did not impress the Chinese later sitting beside him.

Another forty minute flight brought us to the wind and rainswept tundra of Billund, there was at least an airbridge to the terminal, right into the baggage reclaim.

Roar I got my case, only to find that there is a new building for the car rentals, a 400m dash through the rain down to the car parks.

And then, soaked, wait in line twenty minutes. Quietly steaming.

I was given a BWM 320M, sport rocket something. Which was fun once we got to the motorway.

But it did pour with rain, all the way to Arhus.

And then there was the roadworks. Which seem to have gone backwards since my last visit in November.

Which is some going.

It was no fun, so I was glad to turn off to Arhus Sud and the harbour, trundling along until I got to the hotel, turning up and into the car park, where just as I feared, there were no spaces. Plenty for elecric cars, but none for ICE cars.

So I had to park in the massive shopping centre, but first find the entrance. And once I found a parking space, I had to find my way out and find the hotel.

No direction signs, but I did seems some doors, headed over, and could see the top of the block where the hotels is, so walked through the driving rain, over the road and into the air conditioned luxury.

A colleague with whom I have worked with for years, but never met, was staying in the hotel, so once she arrived we met up, hugged and went for dinner.

A small choice, but what there was was good. I had burger and a small beer, and made most of it vanish as we talked.

Come nine, I felt like crap, so made my excuses and went up to bed, too tired for a shower.

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