Each audit is four hours, so one a day for the week, but one day had to have two.
And that was Tuesday.
So, eight hours spent at the dining room table, with just an half hour's gap between the two audits.
I was up at half five, with it getting light already outside, just enough time to come downstairs have coffee, have breakfast and be online by half six, time then to make a couple of calls and type up some more of the report.
And then eyes down.
Four auditors, a dozen or more auditees, all online, or most of us were, so it means concentration in taking notes and screenshots.
Finish for half eleven, time to make a fresh brew, defrost something for lunch, warm it up and eat.
So to be ready at midday for the second audit.
It don't sound hard, but it's draining, and the last hour really dragged, me just wanting the audit to finish and I could just take my mind off the hook.
As it were.
I check the feeders and put seeds out, then check the ponds for spawn: none seen.
I took shots of the emerging hairy Pasqueflowers before rushing back in as the weather has changed, wind from the north and frosts expected until the weekend.

And beer.
I realise that I no longer have to put the outside light on when Jools gets home, its light enough to see not to fall or stumble.
We eat. Have coffee.
And then there is Norwich v Sheffield Wednesday on TV whilst listening to Liverpool v PSG on the radio.
Norwich were 2-0 up at half time, and yet somehow managed to concede three in 14 second half minutes to lose. Liverpool played well, but did not score, and lost on penalties.
By that time it was half ten, and I was beyond tired.
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