It's just a short drive up to Sandwich, and quite unusually, there is plentiful parking. We chose one empty space out of hundreds and walked into town. Sandwich is a riot of old building, timber-framed, brick built and apparently everything inbetween. There was nothing much we really wanted to buy, but just contented ourselves with walking round an art exhibition in an old church.

As usual, we stopped off for a snack mid-morning, and chose a cafe we had been in before.
The afternoon and early evening was given over to football for me, and some gardening for Jools. At halftime in the England game, I paused the game with the Sky magic box and cooked dinner; a proper chicken Kiev along with sautéed potatoes cooked in goose fat; needless to say it was delicious. The full moon roase over our back garden as we looked on in wonder; it rose deep pink, partly obscured by thin clouds. A fine end to the day.
Sunday morning was spent preserving our produce from the garden. So far we have had nearly ten pounds of tomatoes, and after finding a recipe for puree, I spent two hours peeling and de-seeding them before blending the mulsh and then boiling it down before it was ready for the freezer.
In the afternoon we headed over to the bridge over the River Swale to see a steam engine cross over to the Isle of Sheppy. The weather was not perfect, but somehow the bush telegraph had worked and I gues some 50 other snappers and spotters had gathered to record the event.

Once the train had crosed and crossed back to the mainland, we hopped in the car and drove down to Dover to see it again as it steamed away out of the twon as the line ran beside the sea at Shakespeare Beach. Thankfully, I got a great shot which made the whole day worthwhile.

Back home I made a redcurrent and blackberry jus to go with the pan friend lamb, all washed down with a glass of red. We live quite well.
And then the weekend is over, the sun sets and the sky darkens. And thoughts, sadly, turn to another week at work.
I love the Abbey Barbers picture. That bright red in the middle of what looks like a very bland neighborhood, plus the gentleman standing in front....good eye.
thank you for your comments. That was a special picture for me, just saw the guy and hope he didn't move until I clicked. Thankfully, he was being cool and didn't.
I've wanted to save several of your pictures to use as wallpaper, but am unable to, not even from Flickr. That's unfortunate, you've posted some excellent shots.
I've been a regular reader since I was introduced to your blog by the lovely Mrs. W back in April. I really enjoy both the text and the pictures, you live in an interesting part of the world.
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