As I said in a previous blog, I have been on a first aid course this week. What going on a course like that brings is the chance for people from different backgrounds together. And then forces them to sit in a room in close proximity whilst listening to a chinaman lecture us on first aid whilst laughing at his own jokes and with hilarious mispronunciations. Did I mention the lecturer of Chinese extraction? No? I say Chinese, he is from Hong Kong, but Joe has been living in the UK for decades and has a nursing background. So, he was qualified to teach us first aid. But then there was the diversions; the little stories, some of which had relevance, most didn’t. Still, I was being paid for being there, and it was in a hotel, on The Leas in Folkestone, which was quite swish.
It did also mean a late start of nine o’clock and a finish of half four with an hour for lunch. I’ve been on worse courses, and will do again of course. Next week I have to go all the way to Kendal for a course on working at heights, as apparently they have the biggest ladder in the country. But, more of that next week upon my return.
So, the first aid course: we were a mixed bunch, two from a holiday company, a few dinner ladies and a couple of lads from a building company. And me. I was the only one who did not take notes. Not one. I was banking on the hope that the assessment on the final afternoon would not be too taking.

And so it turned out; so now I can apply a bandage which may not make your condition worse; and in the event you are unconscious and still breathing, I can put you in a recovery position. And then, if you stop breathing, break your sternum whilst massaging your heart. I passed the test, and went home with one (used) dressing, one (reusable) triangular bandage and a handbook to consult if anything else happens that we have not covered.
So, it is now the weekend, and two days off. Maybe we should actually get Christmas gifts for the family and write cards? You think? Maybe we shall sit down tonight and write cards and make lists…..
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