And back to work. Deal with mails, swap news and then BT turn off the power to our servers. And the interweb stops.
Don't worry, we'll get a generator to power the servers.
And then they try to find someone authorised to connect said generator to said servers to power our interwebs.
It'll only take half an hour we were told. Three hours later, I gave up and came home. I can use the VPN client to get into our netwrk from home, once I configure the wi-fi and then fight the cats from asking, not very politely if i might consider in feeding them three hours early, or maybe i can see my way to tickle their chin.
But, I did get work done, and having took a few steps forward on Friday, I took several hundred in the opposite direction today. Such is life.

And so then, to the weekend. And Mother Nature let us down with the weather, and the wall-to-wall sunshine that was forecasted at least for Sunday did not happen, and the sunny intervals on Saturday tunred into wall-to-wall dullness and grey.
So, Saturday morning we headed to folkestone for some shopping; the petfood store and then a garden centre. Feeding wild birds is not a cheap task now, oh no. Doubly so now the cats have a liking for peanuts as a way of topping up their diet. And then onto the garden centre; as we are people of a certain age, this was the first of three garden centres we ended up going over the weekend.
we bought two shrubs, and in an unusual move I helped plant them upon our return home. We had called in to see Jools' father, and invited him and Nan for Sunday dinner; we had already bought a fine leg of spring lamb for the occasion.

And then it was time to settle down for some international football as England took on Wales in the European Championship. It had promised to be a tough game, but in the end England did not need to get out of second gear and so ran out easy, easy winners.
And Sunday, Jools went with a friend to a craft fair; the weather was too dull for my planned photography trip to a nearby church also fell by the wayside, and so I stayed in, did some chores, baked some bread and waited on the four demanding cats.

At least the weather did get out in the afternoon, and we went for a walk to a nearby garden centre; we bought some find spring plants and then walked home so I could put the meat in the oven.
Thankfully, the meat was just wonderful, and I did a good job with the veg, roast spuds and Yorkshire Pudding. Just perfect, really.
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