So, another working week goes by and the weekend come round. But, before we get to the weekend, we must get through Friday.
But this Friday it was a different kind of day to normal.

The planning to build a windfarm the size of Thanet takes time, logistics, design and al the other stuff. Even once it is built, it takes time to get each turbine working as it should. Even though the last turbine was put up at the end of June, we have only just completed outstanding work; not much stuff of any importance, but everything was required. And all in all, it was done pretty smoothly.

As a means of thanking us, those who either did the work or organised the work, our employer arranged us to go out on a boat, have a buffet, and take our partners with us. And for us that day was yesterday. And as if by luck, the weather was perfect; not a breath of wind and glorious sunshine.
We drove to Ramsgate at nine after I had checked my work mails from home; then we all met up for a briefing, donned out life jackets and headed down to the quay. We climbed on, tucked into the food, and the captain opened the throttles and we headed out of the harbour onto the open sea.

The boat was smoother than I thought it would be, nothing better than to stand at the back of the boat, looking at the coastline fade into the distance, whilst in front the turbines loomed out of the mist.
The boat slowed down and we cruised round the park, we all snapped away at the sights and marvelled at what had been achieved. And then it was time for the trip to end, and the captain turned to boat to land and opened up the throttle once again, and we were skipping over the calm waters again.

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