At least we’re over half past week and should be downhill from now on. The day is dull and wet, the rain is steadily falling and is expected to get harder as the day wears on to night. This comes after some fine, if hazy days. It has been really wonderful to head to work with mist laying along the rivers and streams, and the sun to rise like a blood orange over the horizon. And then in the afternoon, blue skies and light traffic to accompany my evening commute. Not bad.

After weeks of saying that when the clocks go forward we can go for walks in the evenings and actually get some exercise, we, I bailed on Monday, but last night we did venture out for about 40 minutes, to the end of our road and then along the path to the farm and copse of trees about half a mile away. Needless to say I took my cameras and snapped some spring colour in the hedgerows, and the piglets in the trees. We are told that last years brood make fine sausages and chops; the current ones look so sweet and inquisitive as we looked over the fence at them.

We ended up at a field with four horses in; the path kinda petered out and so we turned round as we both had plans for the rest of the evening. Jools was meeting friends from work at the Blue Lantern in Martin Mill and I decided to ask my good friend gary if he fancied coming for a meal down at the Coastguard Inn down in the bay; he said yes.
And so Jools dropped me off, and after shaking hands Gary and I took a few shots of the evening before heading into the pub; we had a beer and then ordered fresh cod and chips. As ever it was great, but huge, and my plans to sample the cheeseboard failed as I could not eat another thing. So, we headed back to the house for a cuppa and to watch England play on TV. Not a bad day after all.

Today sees the end of another part of the project at work, as more folks leave for pastures new. Although we knew these days come along, its never a pleasant thing to say goodbye to friends, doubly so as unemployment faces them. We shall see, maybe other, better doors will open for them. And on Friday, a big crane is coming to take away the pert-a-cabin offices, the home to the project for so long, and that will be it. Just the turbines producing lots of green electricity as they should.
And for the weekend there is a visit to Mother’s to look forward to; it is Mother’s Day. But tempered with that I have managed to get a ticket for the Norwich game and so rough with the smooth; I just need for City to win and it will be a great weekend. Looking beyond the weekend, I am heading to Holland for a couple of days next week as I get the chance to bore people to death with my own Powerpoint presentations; the week after I do the same at our head offices in Warrington and then fly out to Denmark for a third presentation. And right after that is Easter, two days back at work and then a five day trip to Germany on the banks of the Mosel.
Life is exciting all over again.

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