Wednesday 29 June 2011

Wednesday 29th June 2011

Summer arrived with full force on Monday with temperatures reaching 93 degrees, or whatever that is in new money. This necessitated driving to and from work with both front windows open just to get some cooling action. Needless to say, Sunday and Monday nights were hot and sweaty and resulted in not much sleep, doubly so when we were joined on Monday night by Molly who thought that it was a good idea to sleep on the end of the bed. It wasn’t Molly.

Talking of Molly, she has been a loving as she ever was, and demands attention as well as food now. And she seems to positively enjoy being picked up and fussed over.

But, as far as the weather is concerned, normality has been restored with things pretty much back to normal, and it feeling quite chilly last night!

As a bonus for me, the hummingbird hawk moth has returned, and after me stalking it a couple of times and it flying off, I got two good series of shots these past two nights, even better as I have the macro lens. The shots last night were really very nice indeed.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Jools is doing yoga on a Tuesday night, which leaves me home alone for a while. I listened to the radio last night, once again going over the bones of last year’s failed England World Cup campaign. As if things will ever change. Its good that people really care how well the national side does, but when it comes to deciding it’s the same old story of vested interests and having three different organisations in charge of various aspects of the game. Chances of them agreeing on anything are remote.

Tomorrow is to be the nearest the country has been to a General Strike since 1926 as millions of public sector workers demonstrate their feelings over reduced pensions, working longer and life in general. Listen, its tough for us all. A tank of petrol costs £53, down from £58 a month or so ago, but a long way above the £40 it was eighteen months back. Groceries now cost £60 a week at least, inflation rises 5% and pay rises barely 2% if at all. We are all suffering.


In the world of cats; Scully has taken to sleeping in the bird table. I have photographs. Mulder is a demanding for love as ever, but the hot weather did make them very sleepy and not at all hungry. And Little Girl is, well, Little Girl. She lives her life by a different set of rules to the rest and does things her way, but seems to be doing well on it, so that’s all that matters.

And that is it, Wednesday night and all is well……..

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