Wednesday 13 July 2011

Wednesday 13th July 2011

And so the working week passes. But for me, thanks to some famous golfers, this week is passing in quite an unusual way.

You see, The Open, I may have mentioned this before, is being played at Sandwich. The roads between here in St Margaret's and my office in Ramsgate will be clogged with the golfers, golf reporters, golf fans and all manner of hangers on. and so, I am working from home!

Yes, I don't have to get up at a quarter to six, I lay in bed for another lazy half an hour. Jools brings me a cuppa whilst I listen to the radio, then I get up, put on my dressing gown, have breakfast and then fire the work's laptop up and do my nine hour shift from the dining room table.

This would be ideal; I mean there is no one walking through this office wanting to talk about football, the news or whatever, I can just work. Or would do if it wasn't for the cats.

You see, what could be better than having a human in the house, say over lunchtime when breakfast has gone all crusty, just pester him until he provides something fresh. and then demand some attention. Maybe bring him in a bird or mouse as a present, or even best, lay somewhere warm, like the keyboard of his computer. And when he is talking to his boss on the office communicator, and then rub yourself over the microphone making a satisfying loud noise in his earpiece.

Red Admiral

Yes, working from home isn't all sitting around in your pants, watching Jeremy Kyle and Cash in the Attic, not there is work to do, battle the evil that is the VPN client program, or having to ring IT in Denmark to rest the password as the company's server does not believe I exist.

But, I can get a really good cup of coffee when I want, and not be tempted by the sandwich wagon with all the chocolate and crisps.

In the afternoon, I try to ignore the fact hat the Tour de France is on TV just the other side of the room, and something really, really interesting in the procedure I'm reading.

That aside, I am sure it all worth if so some badly dressed folks can bash a dimpled ball with a stick whilst thousands of people can watch and even pay for the privilege of standing there in the wind and rain.

The Penthouse Suite

But, who am I to judge?

Other than that, Mr Murdoch is having a really bad time; he has given up trying to take over Sky, and all sorts of revelations regarding to how some stories came to be obtained. Of course, the hypocrisy of this is that all newspapers do this to some extent, it's just that someone decided to leak the story the same week the government were to make the decision as to if the takeover should be allowed. what are the chances?

Still, the daily updates about the revelations and the sheer horror that some of our fine politicians feel at such rotten and illegal behaviour. They would never stoop so low, so low to use such stories for political points scoring. wait a minute....


forkboy said...

My ex-wife-to-be works from home fairly regularly and manages to be very productive.

Of course that's rather easy for her considering she doesn't do anything around here even when she's not working from home!

jelltex said...

Working from home, feeding cats, stroking cats, clearing up kitty puke, clearing up kitty poo, chasing still alive birds, clearing up dead ones. Oh, I was busy......