One night in London; three nights sleep of five hours or less and three nights out watching comedy or music.
And I am shattered. I was more shattered on Saturday, slightly less shattered yesterday, and slightly less shattered today. But, I'm still dog tired. It is five fifteen in the afternoon, and I'm thinking about going to bed.
So, lets go back to Friday. Mulder woke us up at half four in the morning. I got up, made coffee, fed the cats, and made packed lunches for us to take to work. So, I went to work, dropped Jools off on the way, and drove to Ramsgate. And nine hours later, drove back.
I cooked some kind of chicken for dinner. I believe it was a dead chicken, or part of one. I hope it was dead when they liberated it's breast from the rest of it's body. If not, I expect the chicken would have been quite upset, and made quite a scene.
So, we made our way to funky Folkestone, where Ade Edmonson and the Bad Shepherds were playing; we had tickets. Had we not had tickets, I don't think I would have wanted to go, bed sounded really inviting. As it was, it was a cracking gig, punk classics played in a traditional folk style. With banter as you would expect from Vyvian from The Young Ones. And it was packed; we stood at the back, but in front of the mixing desk so the sound was great.

Yes, it was great; apart from the drunk, dancing dwarf who kept waving his hands and standing on my feet as he tried to persuade his girlfriend to do the same (dance, wave her hands in the air, stand on my toes).
The gig ended, we cheered for an encore, the band came back on and did a version of 'White Riot'. In a new and radical departure, I shall try to embed a video in the blog.
We headed home, and once home we had a quick supper of Christmas Stollen and a cuppa, and then went to bed. Mulder woke us up again at half four. I didn't really get back to sleep.
So, off to Tesco at seven in the morning; it was fairly empty and they had full shelves everywhere. Back home for breakfast of croissants and more strong coffee. I then headed out to Preston to get meat for the month, once again doing this before most folks were up and about and getting back, armed with the meat plus pork scratchings and pork pies in time to lay on the sofa and listen to Danny Baker on the radio.

And then Fighting Talk, and then watch the game on TV.
And sleep.
And then, in the evening, we head out to Deal for an evening with Germany's Comedy ambassador to the UK, Hening Wehn. Link below (hopefully).
We drove to Deal, found a place to park and walked to the Astor Theatre. Our tickets were waiting, and as its a small place, seats are first come, first served. So, sit where you can. And we waited for showtime.
Hening has appeared on several Radio 4 shows, as well as QI on TV, and he is really very good, very good at holding a mirror up to Britain and showing us what we as a nation is like.
We laughed.
The theatre is a wonderful old place, and is a great place to have a comedy club. We even met Hening, but two rude drunken older women butted it, still, it was nice to say how much we enjoyed his work.

Sunday morning, we went for a walk along the lanes near the house. It was a grey and gloomy morning, but it was good to get out and stretch our legs, despite still feeling very tired. I took a few shots, then came back to make the season's first batch of mince pies. They were a disaster, I undercooked them, and then they wouldn't come out of the tin. So we ate them as a pile of pastry and mincemeat; they were still good.

Finally, Sunday afternoon I visited a friend of mine who also lives in the village, to photograph garden birds from his living room. Doesn't sound very rock and roll, but it is always wonderful to watch wildlife at close quarters. And photograph them.
Back home before four to watch the football, and at the same time cook Sunday dinner. Both were good.
and that really is it for the weekend; comedy, music and catching up on sleep.
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