Everyone has the right to withdraw their labour, as long as the unions have gone through the right channels and obeyed all laws governing such actions. I hear talk of change in legislation to limit such actions in the future. Yes, that’s what we want, in the land of the free, the mother of all democracies, make striking against the law, that will keep the folks happy.
I don’t know what the answer is, there are tough decisions to be made for sure, and quite how far up shit creek we are is open to debate. Reducing spending only has the effect of depressing the economy, but then if we don’t reduce spending…..
And the circle is completed.
What strikes me is Eton Boy’s assertion last year that ‘we’re all in this together!’ Are we Dave? I mean, really? Can you survive on minimum wage, pay for housing, food, fuel, a car, clothes for your kid? Not that Tory Boy has any idea what minimum wage is like. Let’s see MPs slash their pension provision to the same extent they are wanting to impose on doctors, nurses, fireman and the like and I might begin to believe we’re all in this together.
But having been to London Town recently, I can see that for some, the current economic climate is another opportunity. Plus la change.
Meanwhile, we all try to keep our jobs, find jobs, and pay our bills.
This week has been more normal, with not trips to London and no shows to see in the evening. we have even had rain, so much on Tuesday, it felt like it never got fully daylight, and i drove to work in the dark and drove home in the dark too. On the trip home, the rain hammered down, and people drove like conditions were just dandy.
And so the weekend rolled round, and after jools went to get fish and chips for dinner, we then settled down to watch the final Harry Potter film which arrived this week. It didn't seem quite as dark as it did at the cinema, and i think it is a fine ending to the series.

And so to today:
Why not visit the country town of Kent? well, it is the busiest day of the year for shopping, and so would that be wise? Well, if we get there early, and get out when we got bored, it could just work.....
So, with the rain still falling, and the BBC insisting that it was going to be a day of blue skies, we set off for the M20. As we headed north, the rain began to fall, sometimes heavy, sometimes just drizzle. But, as we pulled up at the park and ride, the rain did stop and blue skies did threaten to break out.

we got out in a nondescript street somewhere near the centre of town, and wandered off to find things to photograph, and maybe a cup of coffee.
Maidstone is a mix of the old and new, the bland and the interesting. I snap some of each, but focusing on the old and interesting. we find a fine small place to have breakfast; i have a panini filled with spicy, local sausage, red onions and cheddar cheese. And it was as tasty as that sounds.

We go to the Archbishop's Palace, and the imposing All Saints church next door. The church is open, and so I go inside and take shots from all angles.
Back outside, we walk back to the centre of town, and the shops were really filling up now, and we made the easy decision to head back to the car and to find a nice country pub in which to have a pint.
We find a place called The Bull at Bethersden. The Christmas ale is not available yet, so I make do with a pint of Late Red and a bag of honey coated peanuts. and then it was time to take a lazy journey home along windy country roads.
And I have just listened to the radio as Norwich got hammered 5-1 by Man city, coming two years to the day after we had got dumped out of the FA cup by Carlisle. It hurts to be thumped like that, but we have come along a long, long way.
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