For some reason this week seems to have dragged on for more than 5 days. I think it may be a combination of not sleeping too well and having stepped up the exercise on the cross-trainer.
After the first few weeks, I can’t lie, going on the cross-trainer was more than a chore; it was like it was mocking me. The dials with which you monitor your progress display the same information as the ones I used to use. And so you mind tells you to do 60 rpm, which is what I used to be able to do. The result is that within 3 minutes I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack. Or did. Anyway, instead of having to do it in four two and a half minute chunks to get upto 10 minutes, I do 30 minutes, and am only puffing as I step up the pace at the end.
I guess, we all like to kid ourselves that we can do the same stuff as we did when we were in the full bloom of youth. And I had not been exercising for what, two and a half years? How unfit an you get in that time? The answer is very.
So, since the middle of January I have been huffing and puffing and gradually getting better, and one hopes, fitter. I feel better for it, as does Jools to be honest, and now coupled with drinking less and trying to cut down on the food too; I just hope that I will soon begin to see the benefit. In fact, I think already my jeans are looser, but that could be my imagination. We shall see.
Anyway, four sessions on the machine this week equals two hours huffing and puffing whilst listening to music, and I am now enjoying my time on it.

On to other matters. Driving to work I now pass the chimney and tower-less Richborough. And it quite amazing at how different the commute is, and how big the sky at Richborough now is. Work is much the same; preparing documents for our next project. I can feel the workload increasing, as we get nearer and nearer the beginning of when spanners and screwdrivers are lifted in anger for the first time.

Spring, on occasion, threatens to break out. Although for the most part is just wall to wall grey cloud. We, who live in south-east England, are now officially in drought conditions, which will mean from April 1st there will be a hosepipe ban, and we will have to share showers and glasses of water. Or we could just go without showers and drink only gin. Now there’s an idea…..

Yesterday evening, after work, we went for a short walk before the sun set. Just a short wander along to where the pigs are. Next weekend the clocks go forward, and we will have enough time to walk to the cliffs if the weather is nice enough. Looking forward to those evenings already.

After work this afternoon, I headed down to the NT's white cliff place to take some snaps, as last weekend there was a massive cliff fall, and it looked a wondrous sight. Indeed it was, although I did not have time to walk to where the fall was, but I got some shots from about a mile away, with tiny figures of people looking over the edge to the chalk boulders below......
A quiet weekend ahead with nothing much planned apart from dodging the rain which has, or hasn’t been forecast.
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