Needless to say, Saturday morning I was awake at some ungodly hour before it was light, laying in bed waiting for the blackbirds and other assorted garden birds to being their dawn chorus. As it got light, I got up, fed the cats and made a coffee and warmed up croissants so we could do the ‘French’ thing and dunk said croissants in the coffee. Or I could, as I like my buttery croissants dripping sweet coffee all over the dining room table.
And then; haircuts! And haircuts was about as exciting as the day was going to get. Jools dropped me off in Cherrytree to go to barbers for a trim and some abuse. And she went into the town centre to wherever she goes for her trim and abuse. Maybe in the lady’s hairdressers they don’t dish out abuse with the hairspray? It must come as a result of years of talking about Spurs’ chances in the cup, the weather and so on.
Anyway, we were abused waiting to go into the shop, waiting for our turn in the chair, and once in the chair as our locks were trimmed. Abuse, I hear you say? Well, nothing nasty, just that some of us were queuing up outside some fifteen minutes before the shop was due to open, that some of us were too frequent customers, some left it too long. And so on.

But, I got mine done, did a deal on some free haircuts if I supplied the geezer with free beer next Christmas, and I was back outside with colder ears by five past nine. Jools picked me up at quarter past and we were home at half nine waiting for another pot of coffee to brew. I made a loaf of bread, using the poppyseeds I bought online, and whilst I headed up the stairs to the cross trainer, the bread cooked and filled the house with fine smells. We had the bread for lunch, still warm, with lashings of butter and tangy marmalade.

And then I went to the sofa to watch the football, and try not to fall asleep due to the excitement of it all.
That night we watched the second of the four ‘Alien’ films, as I have borrowed a box set from a guy at work. All this is in preparation for the new film, a prequel to the original, coming out in June. All the excitement meant we went to bed at nine.

At least Sunday morning I did lay awake until nearly half past six, which on my current form is something of a rip-van-winkle length sleep. At least I did feel more human that morning; and after more coffee and croissants we headed out for a walk along the cliffs to get a close look at the cliff fall. By the pictures I thought a long expected section had fallen to the beach, but when we got up there, only a small section has fallen and much more is still, er, hanging in there.

After some heavy rain the evening before, it was a wonderfully clear and sunny morning, the air sparkled, but there was some mist which kept France hidden from view. Some might say that would be a good thing, but I always find it a stunning thing being able to see another country where they speak a different language, drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road from the comfort of our own cliffs.
We walked from the NT’s place in the shadow of the castle, down the dip at Langdon Bay, and up the rolling cliffs the other side where the fall had taken place. It became clear that much more is yet to fall, and so I made do with shots from a secure place to one side. And satisfied I got the shots we headed back down the hill to the car and back home.
And that is just about it for the weekend; more football on Sunday afternoon, with Norwich losing 1-0 at Newcastle; not playing too bad in the 2nd half, but chasing the game after Toon to a first half lead, we just didn’t have enough to get a point. Oh well, 36 points at this stage isn’t bad at all.
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