Jools’ cough got no better, and by Thursday she was really suffering with the lack of sleep the coughing caused. So, she took Friday off, went to see the doctor, and got a course of anti-biotics as she had a throat infection. And, since then, she has got a little better, but even now is some way from being fighting fit. It didn’t help on Tuesday and Wednesday getting back onto the cross-trainer. Of course, everything is easier with hindsight, and at the time she said she felt better. But after the session Wednesday she really did get much worse, coughing all night. So, no training for Jools until she feels better.

I manage to get four sessions in a week, and am now increasing the level. I feel so much fitter. Well, most of the time anyways. There is more energy in my legs, and I do look forward to the half hour I spend pumping lard whilst listening to music.
With the coming of British Summer Time, spring has also arrived with days and days of unbroken sunshine. Well, once the early morning fog clears. The garden and the countryside are full of spring flowers and birds and bees doing what they do this time of year. The sunlight now seems to have that summer golden tinge to it, which is especially warming. And now the clocks have gone back, I get to see the sunrise on my morning commute and in the evening there is a good three hours of daylight to go.
Speaking of sunshine; here in the South East, we have had the driest winter of all time, or something close, and so from April 1st there is to be an official drought which means a hosepipe ban for us all, and with summer getting nearer the indications are for another long, hot and dry summer just like 2003 or 1976.
Best share a bath or two then…..
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