Work from home.
Yes, Wednesday rolls round. Hump days as some call it, but for me it is a day at home, working with the details of the China trip next week, and yes, the customer confirmed that they have the visa and so the trip is going to happen. I fly out Monday for a six day trip. Does it sound as tiring to you as it does me?

Anyway, I won't spoil the details to ruin the surprise, but I hear the trip will contain an audit or two, a Chinese banquet, some long haul flights and some serious waiting. Anyway, that is next week, lets just concentrate on this week.
As the weatherman promised, the skies darkened and the rain came down. Cats stayed indoors and really wanted stuff. All the time. The rain did clear in the afternoon, and so I took regular breaks in the garden, as sitting in the house does nothing for my allergies, and despite being sniffle free in the morning when I get up, I am wheezing like an old man by early evening and just cough and cough.

I squeeze in time during the morning to make a batch of dough for rolls for dinner,and pretty good it was too even if I say so myself. I mix in some cheese in with it to give a real nice tangy flavour.
That night after Springwatch finished, I did cast an eye over the England friendly in Miami, where a week from the World Cup finals, Roy is still experimenting. I though the idea of these friendlies was to get team spirit and understanding? It was a poor game, which ended 2-2 with Ecuador.
The circus begins in 10 days time. Be still my beating heart......
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