Friday 24 August 2018

Thursday 23rd August 2018

Already the month is nearly over and you can really feel the year is getting older. Middle aged maybe, but the other morning, St Maggies was shrouded in mist and fog all day, something that usually only happens in spring and autumn. The harvest is done, and now the smell of manure hangs heavy in your nostrils as the farmers replenish the soil. The hedgerows are laden with fruit and bounty, just waiting to ripen as the shadows grow longer in the late summer afternoons. Getting up in the mornings now at half five, the sun is not yet up, but yesterday the sky was getting ready, washed with high clouds dusted with pinks and reds.

And it is Thursday, sliding down to a three day weekend, with some good stuff planned, so all I have to do is get stuff done and stay awake though meetings.

And I do it. I mean, things had been getting on top of me, so I was told to get it under control. So, nothing beats a good spreadsheet, with all information in one place. Took some time, but I got it done, and in the end I got this strange feeling. A feeling of being in control. A strange thing. For sure.

Two hundred and thirty four In the afternoon, a strange thing. Standing at the back door and the sky was full of seagulls, all low down and wheeling and swooping, then I see in the middle a brown shape, just doing its own thing; a large buzzard, just minding its own business, stopping to perch at the tree near the bottom of the garden, where a half dozens crows fly in to mob it, so the buzzard takes off again, moving off over the house and away.

That morning I had looked at the smart watch, and saw that its step reading was mocking me. Only once have I cracked the ten thousand steps, and these days working from home, I am lucky if I do a tenth of that. So, I decide to break out the crosstrainer, and in preparation put the I pod on charge so I could have something to listen to.

Sunshiny day Only, as it turned out, I pugged the I pod in, but the other end wasn’t in the power socket, so no music, so I did a quick ten minutes with no music soundtrack, and managed to do 1500 steps.


Mulder, again And so another day draws to an end, so more aubergine preparation, more egg and breadcrumbing, more frying, more eating, more drinking wine.


No sleeping on the sofa this evening, just watching some TV and no football to listen to. For a change,

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