In which local people vote for local politicians, locally.
Basing their choices on the national party they represent.
As we received literature from the three main parties only, and half the candidates did not state which or of they were affiliated with a party, I had no idea what they stood for, so I ignored them.

I didn't used to vote in local or European elections, now I will value each and every chance I get to vote.
It matters.
And then there is work.
Always work.
Start the day with meetings, then another meeting. In which I was told we would get a bonus this year.

And work.
It is a slog, a five day week with a three day weekend at the end of it, seems to go on forever.
I have chorizo, onion and shoarma sauce flatbreads for dinner. I have to say, these are my new favourite thing, maybe even better than cheese toasties. Yes, I think so, and because they have less dairy, maybe better for me.

At four, I wrap up for the day, grab my voting card and set off down and back up the other side of the Dip, along Station Road to the village hall to cast my vote.

Job done.
And back indoors to prepare dinner, Chinese port, stir fry and noodles. And asparagus, because asparagus.
And that is the day. Just Marc Riley on the wireless, and follow footy on the BBC website.
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