So begins the daily trial of getting through the the ward and getting some actual news.
And last day of the holiday.
Double sigh.
One of the things that the internet and this love and passion of orchids does, is allow us to share the passion and knowledge with other like-minded people. And on Monday, someone said they had never seen a white helleborine, he lived in Folkestone, could anyone give him directions? I did better than that, I said I would take him to see some. So a time was made to meet on Tuesday morning, early-ish because rain was expected later.
I had to take Jools to work, of course, getting her there early to avoid the traffic, dropping her off some way from the factory so she could get some exercise walking beside the sea on the sea wall.
Afterwards, I drove up the Elham Valley to Park Gate to look for the Musk Orchids.
Musks are the smallest orchids in Kent, and on a good day take some searching. Usually, I find them after twenty minutes or so of searching, the lime green of the spike giving the tiny plants away.
But I couldn't find one, no matter how hard I looked.
I was joined by a couple from Cumbria, hoping to find a Late Spider on the down. Now, I know they have been found here, but not by me. So they helped me search for the Musk, then I told them where to go to be certain of seeing the LSO. I got a message later saying they had found them, and were so happy.
Its what I do!
I met Burt at nine, up the valley in Barham. We drove in convoy to the small wood, parked up and walked up the lane to the wood, and just inside the canopy were the first of dozen spikes.
He was so happy. He took shots, then we looked for the Birds Nest, he snapped that. And then I found a second spike.
I was happy!
We parted our ways, and I drove back to Pegwell Bay hoping to find a Bee in flower.
I had low hopes.


I stumbled back to the car, back up the steps and past the viking ship. To the car, when the rain then stopped. But I was soaked.

So, I went back home to have lunch, book my seats for the flight the next day, and scan receipts for travel expenses.
It rained on and off outside, so I worked away, listened to some music and worked.
At quarter past four I went to pick JOols back up.
And on the way back we stop off in Dover as she had a yoga class, so instead of going home then coming back out, I wander round the sea front, the new eastern docks, then go to Cullins Yard for a couple of beers.
Which was nice.
I was waiting outside when Jools finished, we rush home, feed the cats and make dinner. Even then it was half eight by the time we were all cleaned up,a nd my 12 days off had come to an end.
Time to pack, have a shower.
And to bed.....
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