But my mind would not let me sleep too long, I was awake soon after four, laying in bed listening to the birds singing outside, as dawn crapt round the ends of the too-short curtains.

So, come half five, I get up, have a shower and get dressed, and am having breakfast at five past six just after the kitchen opened, then a quick drive to the port and working away at twenty past six.
Others come into work, and I have meetings, get work done and soon I feel back in control.
And I carry on this way until half three, when the twelve hours I had been awake joined in with the less than five hours sleep to give me a cracking headache.
I went to the hotel to lay down, I had the radio on and stared at the ceiling until the time came to meet with Philip for the amble to the Posthuis for dinner.
We swapped stories of our time together in the company, and people we had worked with.
All in all rather pleasant.
In the restaurant, we share a starter, then we both have burgers and huge Kronenborg Blanc. Which was nice.
We wander back to the hotel in the gathering dusk, past rows of empty shops.
In the hotel, I listen to more music, call Jools and finally give up on the Villa v WBA play off as it headed into extra time.
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