Thursday 31 March 2022

One year on

During the evening og March 31st 2021, I had an attack of gout. A flare to use the medical term.

It would be two weeks before I was able to really leave the house.

But thanks to drugs and moderating my consumption of booze, it faded away.

I had two more minor flares, one at the beginning of June that lasted a few days, and then another in the middle of July that lasted just two.

Since then I have had the odd twinge, and nothing more.

But I do know that I still have it: my big toe joint on my left foot is slightly red, and if I drink more than a glass or two of wine or beer, crystals gather and my body sends white blood cells to combat them, and my foot swells. So, the swelling is the guage I use to moderate my behaviour and drinking.

Its not a bad thing.

Cutting down on the booze.

Mostly I drink only at weekends, or just one evening during the week, and I am fine with that. In the end I prefer being able to go out and walk, take photographs and all the other thngs than have a glass of plonk with my chips.

Sensible, really.

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