Saturday 17 September 2022

Friday 16th September 2022


And a day after I got my workload under control, and later, when my maybe soon-to-be ex-boss asked what I thought, I told him.

Not quite the answers he was expecting.

Which may say more about him than me, but I am now at the point tin messing about.

Jools still isn't yogaing, due to her torn achiles, so she stay at home until ten to seven, stretching, as I had coffee, second coffee and some toast.

Then was ready for work.

I had put out the bins and garden waste. So ahead of schedule.

Apart from that, not much to report, so let's skip forward to two, when I logged off and packed away, then went outside to do some gardening.

Two hundred and fifty nine I had to rake up the clippings and move into piles.

Then leave for 24 hours.

Bird feeders were topped up, then sit on the top patio and survey my labours and nature at work, preparing for autumn. Jools came home, we had a brew, and she thought about going swimming, but didn't.

At six I took part in the music quiz, and had an early guess, then convinced myself I had it wrong, but was right al along. I finished third.

Happy with that.

Then to Jen's for supper and cards. She had prepared burger and fries, I took along a beer.


Jen and John had gon to London on Tuesday, not to queue as the Queen didn't return until the evening, but just to see the sights and walk past the palace. To be part of it. They did six hours walking, two coffee drunk.

And to cards, where Jen won at Meld and I was triumphant at Queene, scooping the jackport after 20 minutes.

I drove us home.

Inside the house, it was chilly. No cold. A wind blew through the house from the open window in the living room that the cats use to come and go, it won't be long before we have to close that until the spring.

I put a blanket on the bed, and with Cleo curled up near we, we went to sleep.

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