Thursday 17 November 2022

Wednesday 16th November 2022

It had to happen, but autumn turned into winter today.

Although at first things were calm enough, though was raining. By evening it would be blowing a gale and throwing rain down in great sheets.

Of course I had work

Jools got up real early, and was off to the pool before six to get her 20 or so lengths in. I should have done something simpar, but instead I made a second coffee and put some music on.

Cats were fed and they went to bed, then at seven, logged on for work.

I had audit admin to catch up on, then complete travel expenses, software issues meant that took most of the morning. But it gets done.

I have long conversations with my friends and colleagues about the latest issues we were facing in our work.

Three hundred and twenty By the time the postman came with my latest book purchase, rain was hammering down like it was the end of the world, and the poor postie scampered from house to house. And there was nothing I could do to make his lot any better. Even the builders two doors down gave up and went home, so apart from the sound of falling rain, all was quiet.

Darkness fell early, storm clouds got darker, winds build to storm force and rain fell heavier.

The cats did not go out.

I made hash for dinner, a dish with lots of onions and peppers in. And spicy chorizo.


Evenings are quiet without football, this is the pause before the start of the world cup. Outside, the wind raged and them sheets of rain at the house.

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