Thursday 29 February 2024

Wednesday 28th February 2024

It's the end of the month, February doesn't seem to be as long as the endless darkness of January, but it feels good to be nearly at the end of it.

The end of February Wednesday dawned clear with a stunning sunrise, so I was able to snap it before work.

Jools left and the cats all went to their beds, leaving me to earn a crust for us all here.

Its been an odd quiet week, with my new boss out of office most of the week, and me on top of my tasks, meaning I monitor mails and the new "improved" Teams for action. Then, like a Quality superhero, I leap into action!

Or something.

Rain swept through, and with my knee grumbling again, I did not go out at all, so watched the world from the kitchen window when I went to make a brew or breakfast.

So, another quiet day at the coalface, but once work done, some research on what I could make with the leftover lemons from the weekend.

And the answer seemed to be Pasta al Limone. Pasta with lemon.

And garlic.

And chillies.

To me, that should not work, but I found recipes and was so quick and simple, why not? If it failed, there's always the chippy.

Anyway, after softening the garlic and chillie, I added the lemon zest and juice, finally the pasta and grated Parmesan, brought it together and dished up.

Fifty nine Was amazing.

So amazing, with the lemon I had over I would make it for my lunch on Thursday.

So, Thursday is also February, the 1/28th extra we get this year.

But then March.

And maybe, spring.

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