Friday 4 October 2024

Thursday 3rd October 2024

The perfect working week continues.

And I woke up home alone, well, apart from four hungry cats.

I had to set my alarm to make sure I was up and about to be in time for work.

The cats were very laid back, so fed them one a time, then was able to put the kettle on and make the first coffee of the day.

Work is going well again, and I hope that message is coming through loud and clear. So, after observing another fine sunrise, I got the laptop out and started work.

I got a message from Jools that Qantas had lost Jen's case. When I say lost, I mean left it in Sydney, so waiting for the last bag on the carousel left her empty handed, and meant they were late heading for home.

Two hundred and seventy seven They got her just before nine, so I hugged Jen, got some news about her friend, and then she was gone. Jools made her lunch and she was gone too, taking our car.

Outside the frosty morning turned into a bright, warm and sunny day, so went out to sit with Mulder and Scully to see what wildlife could be see.

A single female Specked Wood flew through the garden, settled long enough so I could get a shot before it fluttered off into the afternoon sun.

Carduelis carduelis Three fat Wood pigeons watched me hoping I put some peanuts out, which I did, they are so used to people now they rarely fly off. And after us being away for the duration of the vacation, the Goldfinches have returned now the feeders are topped up every day now, so I get shots of a couple of them in the hedge.

Pararge aegeria Not much else to report. I finished work, packed up, made a brew and sat back outside with Scully who was demanding attention and/or food.

Dinner was breaded chicken again, with boiled baby potatoes and steamed corn. And beer. Or cider.

Jools was pooped, so went to bed at half seven, while I listened to Man Utd fall apart then rescue a point in Porto, before I went to bed too.


Another normal day, no stress.

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