Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Monday 10th March 2025


Back to work.

It is another Monday, but my penultimate working Monday.

I know I am saying such things a lot, but it seems like a big thing, or is to me. To us.

And so as a farewell treat, I am doing not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six audits in five days.

Each one will be four hours, one a day, except on Tuesday when I have one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

And as the audits are planned to CET, I have to be be up at half five to get up, wake up and drink coffee.

Its already getting light at that time, with the sun rising before half six, so I throw open the curtains and see its another glorious day, though I will be auditing.

Sixty nine Jools had fed the cats, made coffee, and was going to leave for work early so not to be in the house once work starts, and once gone I set up the laptop and the second screen.

I do some last minute touches to the agenda and opening meeting script, and I'm ready.

Four hours later and we're done. My brain has half melted, due to concentrating on Teams. Which means Tuesday will be hell.

Some Spring sunshine Of course.

I walk up to Collingwood to check on the Coltsfoot that produced so many spikes last year, but none seen, and I think one of the two houses have been busy with herbicide.

Some Spring sunshine Sigh.

Elsewhere, Lesser celandine is showing everywhere, all up Station Road and in gardens, where just five years ago there were just a couple of colonies along one of the bridleways or along Kingsdown Road in the village.

Some Spring sunshine Back home for lunch, then sit down to write the report on the audit.

At four I was done, so pack away my office and feed the cats.

Supper is bacon butties, as we were supposed to go to the gym, but I am pooped and as it turns out, Jools was nearly an hour late back from the office.

There was football to watch: West Ham v Newcastle, but it was a bit of a dull game, with just one goal, scored by Newcastle.

I drink whiskey while I watch.

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