Friday 23 January 2015

Friday 23rd January 2015


Back to work.

Well, back to sitting at the dining room table, dealing with mails and the such. In fact I had taken my work phone with me to London on Wednesday, so there were no nasty surprises waiting for me in the morning, Which was nice.

Jools took the car to work, so I was at home, with the cats. I dealt with the weekly task of taking the bins out, and bringing them back in once they were emptied. The cats slept, I answered mails, took phone calls. I made some bread during the day, mixing the dough in the morning, leaving to prove all morning, beating it down at lunchtime, then baking mid-afternoon. Mmmm, nothing like the smell of bread cooking: I made rolls, and the plan was to cook some minute steak to have in them, a simple dinner.

The day faded once again into dusk, I did a session on the cross-trainer. I would like to say it was fun, but at least I have the music to listen to.

Once we had eaten, we watched Top of the Tops, from February 1980, what a wonderful time it was, but the show was still more cheesy than cheese.

The day ended with us watching the final edition of Winterwatch, what made it special was Mulder seeing a mouse on TV, then spending 5 minutes trying to chase it across the screen and behind the set. Oh how we laughed, no really.

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