Thursday, 26 January 2017

Tuesday 24th January 2017

I was awake at the crack of half seven, which in old money was half six. So, not bad.

It did mean I was late, late for the office, but then I am a manager and so who is going to tell me off? Apart from me.

So, I have a shower, get dressed and go down for breakfast, which was crowded, as there seemed to be a coach full of tourists in. I mean who goes to Denmark in January, part from me.

Breakfast done, I drive to the office, get a desk in the spare office, and begin work. It seems odd, that I have never had my own desk, or not since I lost the one in Ramsgate, which seems like a lifetime ago. I have to hot-desk with people, making myself home where I can.

And somehow, I am snowed under, so much so that I look at the clock and find it half twelve. There is a meeting in the building, which means we get to feast off their unwanted sandwiches, or the odd open Danish sandwiches anyway. The beef, senf and pickles ones are great, and so I manage to make two of those vanish.

In the afternoon, there is more of the same, and before I know it, others are leaving for the day. I wait until half four before leaving myself, driving back to the hotel and going to my room to listen to the radio and lay in bed, trying not to snooze.

Twenty four At half six I go downstairs to the lobby to meet up with Brian, not me, another Brian, and he drives us across town to Bones, as we decided to feast upon ribs. Bones is a chain, but the ribs are great, really tender. As we arrive before seven, its full, but we get a table and soon am supping on craft beer, a bottled IPA, and wait for the ribs to arrive. Also included are unlimited trips to the salad bar. All good, really.

The ribs arrive, and we fill the small bin in the middle of the table with bones. Nom, nom, nom.

I walk back to the hotel, down the quiet main shopping street, which they are resurfacing again, the second time in about three years. All is locked and dark, but I can see from the street lights and so do some window shopping, mainly in the beer shop, but then I am a creature of habit.

I find some skiing to watch on TV, no idea who won, but passed an hour or so until it was time to sleep.

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