As usual, we headed to Tesco on Saturday morning. At least at that hour it not being used for a crèche or a meeting place for the awkward. We zipped round getting the things we needed and was out again in under half an hour.
Then off down into Dover town for some more chores, mainly about saving money, changing my mobile phone contract and the such. So, now I don't have unlimited free minutes to surf the interwebs whilst doing things like walking or driving, which is probably for the best.
Back home by ten, and then settle down for some cooking and preserving. Jools had a beading class, and so I peeled the 22 pound of onions and prepared them for their pickling on the morrow. I also made a batch of saffron buns, which I planned to be ready when Jools came back from her class. As usual they were great, and wonderful with a cup or two of of vanilla nut deluxe flavoured coffee.
Nothing much else other than listening to the England game on the radio before settling back and watching the Ireland game on TV with Italy. Not very rock and roll, but it's the best we could do.
Sunday I searched the interwebs for pickling spice recipes, and thought I would do something similar; and then add lots of chillis. But at least these were our own home grown ones. Not sure how hot they'll make the onions, but we'll see in about 6 weeks time. So, along with the vinegar, chillis I added cinnamon, star annese, ground corriander and dill seeds and mustard seeds; mixed them up and tipped them in.

After that we went for a walk along the coast at Samphire Hoe. Not much to report on that, it was cloudy and the sea was not angry or even mildly annoyed. But it was great to just walk and let the sea air clear our noses. We headed back to the car, got a cuppa and a piece of cake from the cafe and sat in the car to listen to Dessert Island Discs on Radio 4. We are turning into are parents; maybe. We enjoyed it though. Steve Coogan was talking about his career and his life through music; we love that, and the insights these give.
Up then to see Nan in the home; she is doing better and quite happy.
We had a Chinese takeaway in the evening, and for me washed down with a bottle of black Sheep ale, before settling down to watch the Ravens/Bengals game before bedtime beckoned.
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