The forecasted rain arrived and the wind did blow, but not as hard as we had been lead to expect. We headed to Deal to pick up a CD we had ordered and other than to buy a loaf of garlically bread to go with the home smoked ham I had bought from the local butcher.
As we arrived back home the rain began and did not let up all afternoon. Andrew and I settled down for an afternoon of listening to the football on the radio.
Sunday was very different, as we were off to London for an afternoon or all-American fun as the NFL roadshow hit London and we had prime tickets.

Back in January I had a very different life, we had a bank account full of money and so paying over £100 for a seat for the game was something we hardly blinked at. But now with those high earning days long gone, it was sobering to being going and using tickets that cost the price of a months groceries. Oh well, they were paid for and we may as well have enjoyed ourselves.

We drove up to south-east London and caught a local train into Charing Cross. We had decided to spend the bright morning walking in one of the huge parks or public spaces. We thought that Hampstead Heath, as it was near Wembley where the game was to be held.

Back in the 19th century, Hampstead was a village, but now is a very fashionable and expensive place to live. We got of the tube at Hampstead Station, once called Heath Road, and walked up the main road to the higher ground where the heath began.
In the end we got our directions wrong and ended up walking around Golders Hill park instead. The trees were a pleasant golden colour; squirrels scampered around doing suirrelly things, a light breeze moved the leaves and they rustled before it would be their turn to fall to the ground.
We came to a place to eat by the bandstand and had a bite to eat and a large coffee. As we sat there we people watched, the sun broke through and all seemed fine.
We headed back into the centre of London and went to Euston to catch a train back out to Wembley. Already a few others in regulation replica shirts were waiting for a train there too.

Once in Wembley it became clear this was a big thing; thousands of people were milling around looking for a pub with space to have a drink. Fast food joints were doing a roaring trade, and some Americans were looking a trifle confused as to why cars were driving on the left side of the road and what Shepherds Pie could possibly be.
As we neared the stadium more and more people joined the crowd. Wembley way was packed, and so we made our way along to the stadium itself. I guess we must have seen people in shirts from all NFL teams, some College teams and some from the old European NFL. And everyone had a smile on their face; there was no trouble and it was just so nice.

After walking around the stadium a couple of times, we went in and after some heavy security checks, we went up the escalators to the foyer. As we had seats in Club Wembley, there was plenty of seats, good views of people still queuing outside. Andrew and I found a TV showing the Liverpool-Manchester Utd game; a huge cheer went up as Liverpool scored. Curious Americans joined us to watch the game, and joined in the cheering when Liverpool made it two just before full time.
About half an hour before the game we went to our seats and took in the atmosphere. We had a great view, but then I don't think there is a bad seat in the stadium. I had a Bucs fan or three beside me, and I asked them if they were going to give us a game to watch; they hoped so.
After the national anthems and the coin toss, the game began and by the 5th play of the game the Patriots took the lead with an interception.
Sadly, it wasn't much of a sporting spectacle as the Buccaneers offence made little impact and gave picks up, whilst on the other side Tom Brady was, well, Tom Brady and completed a high percentage of passes.
We left after the 3rd quarter with the score 28-7, the Bucs had failed to move the ball after being in good field position.
So, we joined the crowd heading down to the Tube station to crown onto the small train and head into London and catch another train back to where our car was.
We arrived back home at ten fifteen and were tired but happy.
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